Hair aging phenomena and reasons
There are many hair aging phenomena, such as hair loss, dry hair split ends, gray hair, curly hair, etc.
There are also many reasons for hair aging, such as excessive secretion or dryness of sebum, poor hair development and circulation, and poor scalp blood circulation It is difficult to supply nutrients to the hair, etc., which may be the cause of hair aging. The appearance of gray hair may be due to the decline of hair pigment function due to age. In addition, great stress, an unbalanced diet, smoking, excessive weight loss, and lack of sleep can all cause hair aging.
To maintain the health and goodness of the hair and scalp environment, first of all, it is necessary to improve bad living habits. In addition, it is necessary to use more scientific methods to promote blood circulation when washing hair daily.
Experts said: “When shampooing, you need to pay special attention not to excessively remove sebum, otherwise the scalp will stimulate excessive sebum secretion due to dryness and increase the greasiness of the scalp.
In fact, the dust attached to the scalp has been washed away before shampooing. About 70%, after applying shampoo and kneading the foam, you should not vigorously pick and wash your scalp, but gently massage the scalp with your Finger meat."
In addition, it is also important to use mild and non-irritating shampoos. Safe shampoos can create a healthy scalp environment, moisturize the scalp, not dry or greasy, and effectively nourish and repair hair.