Hailing the Heroes of Pollination #nationalhoneybeeday
ARDEA Foundation
"The sole nonprofit in the nation, founded by filmmakers, harnessing the power of communication as a catalyst for dev.
National Honey Bee Day Shines Light on Pollinators
National Honey Bee Day, celebrated on the third Saturday of August each year, is a time for beekeepers, environmentalists, and bee enthusiasts to come together and raise awareness about the challenges honey bees are facing.
Ecosystem Engineers: Bees Nourish Nature's Vibrant Balance
1. Vital Pollinators
Bees pollinate crops, ensuring their growth & reproduction.
2. Ecosystem Guardians
Bees maintain biodiversity by pollinating diverse plant species.
3. Food Diversity
Bees contribute to varied & nutrient-rich food production.
4. Economic Pillars
Bees support agriculture by boosting crop production & farming economy.
5. Nature's Architects
Bees contribute to a balanced ecosystem, aiding habitat growth & sustainability.
About Buzz & Chirp
The 3rd day of our global ecological movement, 11 Days For Earth's Healing, is dedicated to 'Buzz & Chirp,' i.e., "Buzz" refers to Honey Bee, and "Chirp" stands for all kinds of birds, especially sparrows.
Both bees and birds are “Ecosystem Engineers” who help maintain the critical balance of nature.
About 11 Days For Earth’s Healing
Our ecological movement, “11 Days for Earth’s Healing” is here to change the world as it aims to reorient our relationships with mother nature while promoting harmonious coexistence.
ARDEA Foundation, a leading global organization, is on a mission to safeguard Earth’s crucial ecosystem while promoting sustainable development, ensuring a healthy planet for generations to come.
Copyright 2023 ARDEA Foundation, All rights reserved.
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