Had to repost...
Ok, today I am sharing a post from a friend of mine who coaches and trains salespeople in the real estate industry... I love this post. He added to it recently, so I wanted to reshare.
"Wow are there a lot of classes out there that focus on finding clients.
Door knock, cold call, Facebook ads, text message campaigns, call FSBOs, network, and everything else that is being taught out there. You could spend 100s of hours and spend $1000s on classes that all come down to 1 thing. "HAVE MORE CONVERSATIONS".
That's right, I said it. All the books, webinars, speakers and classes come down to this 1 simple thing. If you talk to more people, you will make more sales.
I could stop right here and there would be value in this obvious statement... but I see salespeople every day who have forgotten this basic rule of sales. You can have the best web site ever, amazing brochures, a huge marketing plan and all the training ever offered. But without actual conversations you have nothing.
Yes, there are products that can be sold without a conversation... but in real estate we sell services. Services require talking to people.
What does it take to handle selling someone's home? Helping them buy? Handling their mortgage needs? It takes trust and you need to talk to people to build trust. Again, you need to have conversations!
So if you want to make 2024 a great year and grow your business it really comes down to 1 key thing. Have more conversations. Now there are certainly a lot of ways to do this... that is why there are so many classes and different ways to lead generate. But they all are just various ways to have conversations. Realtors do open houses to meet people and have conversations. Mortgage people go to Chamber of Commerce events to meet people and have conversations. Have I beat this topic to death yet?
Let me beat it a little more. Agents...
But everyone is designed to start conversations.
So talk more to sell more. Yes, you can impact the results based on who you talk to, the scripts you use and the follow up you execute. But even the worst salesperson will find business if they talk to enough people. Talk to your sphere, but to grow your business talk to strangers.
Now, if you are in real estate then talking to more homeowners will increase your results. Talking to people who are in need of a housing change will improve your results. Conversations with more people who can and will refer you business will improve your results. But talking is the key.
I know this is a short and simple post... but the concept is one we all will benefit from. Have a great rest of 2024."