Hacking the Linux Kernel in Ada - Part 1
Embedded Computing Design
The leading source of in-depth tech knowledge, news, views, & instructional design content for the electronics engineer.
By Olivier Henley of AdaCore
For this three parts series, we implemented a ‘pedal to the metal’ GPIO driven, flashing of a LED, in the context of a Linux kernel module for the NVIDIA Jetson Nano development board (kernel-based v4.9.294, arm64) in my favorite programming language … Ada! Continue reading.
TDK Takes its New Vision and Innovative AI to electronica
TDK will showcase its solution portfolio at electronicaFair 2024 in Munich, Germany from November 12 to 15, 2024. Visitors to Booth B5.179 will experience the recently determined long-term vision “TDK Transformation. Accelerating transformation for a sustainable future”.
Program Latching Button Sequences and More with State Machines
By Jeremy Cook
Consider the humble normally open momentary pushbutton. Push it in, an electrical connection is made, and whatever you want to happen via that input nominally happens. What if, however, you want to use the button to advance through a series of actions? This could be as as simple as a push-on, push-off sequence, or going from state 0, to state 1, to state XYZ, and back again. Read more.
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