HackIM Goa CTF 2025 - Powerplay
Here's what the challenge looks like:
And here's the full code:
import numpy as np
from secret import flag, quotes
prizes = quotes + ['missingno'] * 4 + [flag] * 24
if __name__ == '__main__':
print('Welcome to our playground for powerful people where you can pump yourself up and get awesome prizes!\n')
player_count = int(input('How many players participate?\n'))
power = np.zeros(player_count, dtype = np.int32)
for i in range(player_count):
power[i] = int(input(f'Player {i}, how strong are you right now?\n'))
ready = False
while True:
print('What do you want to do?\n1) pump up\n2) cash in')
option = int(input())
if option == 1:
power = power**2
ready = True
elif option == 2:
if not ready:
raise Exception('Nope, too weak')
for i in range(player_count):
if power[i] < len(quotes):
print(f'You got an inspiration: {prizes[power[i]]}')
raise Exception('What?')
There's a prizes variable that contains an unspecified number of quotes, 4 'missingno' strings, and 24 copies of the flag. Furthermore, we can retrieve the flag by attaining the correct power level.
The issue here is that we only get a quote if our power level is less than or equal to the number of quotes: if power[i] < len(quotes):. The leaves but one option: going backwards via a negative number! Also a quick note that we need to "power-up" at least once before we can get an "inspiration".
As far as I'm aware, Python3 numbers are infinite, so there's no way to overflow them. Luckily, the challenge uses numpy's int32s: np.zeros(player_count, dtype = np.int32). The challenge is thusly to find some number that, once squared, will become a number between -24 and -1.
A quick brute-force should do the trick:
import numpy as np
for i in reversed(range(np.iinfo(np.int32).max)):
a = np.array([i], np.int32)
a = a ** 2
if a[0] <= -1 and a[0] >= -24:
We run the script, and few short moments later...
? python /mnt/kali/ctf/nullcon2025/powerplay/find.py
A quick trip over to the challenge:
? nc 5016
Welcome to our playground for powerful people where you can pump yourself up and get awesome prizes!
How many players participate?
Player 0, how strong are you right now?
What do you want to do?
1) pump up
2) cash in
What do you want to do?
1) pump up
2) cash in
You got an inspiration: ENO{d0_n0t_be_s0_neg4t1ve_wh3n_y0u_sh0uld_be_pos1t1ve}
And we have the flag!