The hackers never stop!
Business Email Compromise
Hopefully you've taken the proper steps to defend your business from hackers, malware, ransomware, and viruses. A high quality, manageable firewall, anti-virus and anti-malware software, spam filtering, and easily recoverable data backups all play a big part in protecting your data and your network.
Even with all of those measures in place, you still have that one wildcard. Users. Your network may well be the safest around, but once you add the human factor to it, things become a little more dicey. "Social engineering" is defined as 'the use of deception to manipulate individuals into divulging confidential or personal information that may be used for fraudulent purposes', and it's the key to Business Email Compromise.
All of those defensive measures you've taken can't stop a user from sending precious data (or funds) out the door, after they've been deceived by a phishing or email spoofing attack. Think it can't happen to you? We recently encountered a business whose CEO wired $125,000 to a hacker claiming to be a relative who'd found a good real estate investment. The CEO never questioned it, because he's in the real estate industry, and it seemed legit. That's how social engineering works; the hackers learn about you, your business, and your employees, then use that information against you.
Cyber criminals send out hundreds of thousands of emails, and it only takes a few people falling for their scams to make them profitable. Security training for your entire team is just as important as all of the other defensive measures you've taken to safeguard your business. To learn more about security awareness training for you team, give Ashton Tecnology Solutions a call at 216 397-4080.
Ashton Technology Solutions can protect your data, and protect your business.
Give Peter Bunevich a call to learn more.
216 223-7010