Hackers leak 8GB of data from a Turkish gold mining company
A computer hacker breached the database of a Turkish gold mining company called Anagold, which is partnered with Canadian SSR Mining.
Hackers released 8GB of their data and claimed that they also got hold of the gold reserves survey maps.
At the time of writing, Anagold hasn't commented publicly about this.
The following message was sent by the threat actor, and has been published on breachforum (breached.co):
"Hello everyone,
We hacked and encrypted all servers of Anagold mining company, the Turkish partner of Canadian SSR Mining, which has gold mines in Turkey. We got his important documents. We share some of it?(8 GB) with you. We will continue to share the rest soon.
We also obtained survey maps of gold reserves. We want to share them with the highest offer.
In addition, the mining company has allegations of cyanide spills in Turkey. We found very serious documentation on this. We plan to share this data with the Turkish government."