Hacker deletes an entire business!
That's right every server, backup server, offshore server, and the offshore backup servers were wiped clean!
Users logging in saw nothing but empty inboxes. It is said that all of the US customers data is gone for good!
On the radio show Off the Hook airing from New York's WBAI, one of the guests mentioned he would be interested to know if this was an inside job and whether or not some sort of performance guarantee or insurance policy was in place.
What does this teach us?
Well for one, when implementing a security system it should be done in Layers. There is no such thing as a hacker-proof system.
Taking notes from the O.S.S.T.M.M. (or Open Source Security Testing Methodologies Manual)
The only way to achieve total security is either by destroying the asset or the threat.
In the real world, we can't always do this, so we have to compromise by separating the asset from the threat.
An effective way to do this is by using multiple layers of security and then staying ever vigilant by monitoring threats.
If you see problems in your coding, or if anything is giving you the suspicion that you may be the next VFEMail.
Then you should be talking to someone familiar with the O.S.S.T.M.M., not some ridiculous fancy person who has spoken as an expert witness and uses the word "Cyber" or "Cyber attack frequently."