Hackathon day 2! A recap.

Hackathon day 2! A recap.

Day 2 of the Hackathon was the last day. The day when the hard work, inspiration, connection with others and coaching sessions had to lead to an idea that touches on the humanization of AI through art.

As the participants trickled in, we could quickly see that day 2 was all about prototyping. Concepts became more visible, technology was used and presentations were set up both digitally and physically in the room of De Paardenkathedraal. We saw Swiffers come to life (Yes, the cleaning tool), headphones being cleaned, VR glasses being deployed en masse and coaches questioned for the last time.

The evening included the Marketplace where the makers could pitch the concepts to a selection committee in a 5-minute conversation. The participants could pitch their idea 3 times to 3 different selection committee groups, allowing presentations to be polished and updated in between. Despite the call: There are no losers during this hackathon, the tension increased visibly as the presentations progressed.

21 concepts, 25 makers, 6 coaches, 6 team members, technicians, the videographer and location managers. All in the spirit of advancing theater. Creating concepts that push the boundaries, challenge the status quo and encourage innovation.

The selection has started; which idea is developed in the Innovation:Lab next year? A decision will be made this week, but until then we will enjoy an incredible weekend that shows that AI will not take over theater but will strengthen and enrich it. Thanks to all makers, experts, coaches and all who made this weekend possible!



