Hack Your Next Interview with These 5 Easy Psychology Tricks

Hack Your Next Interview with These 5 Easy Psychology Tricks

It’s no secret how nerve-racking interviews can be, but what if I told you there was a way to ace your next interview using the science of psychology? Well, there is and, it’s not even really that much of a secret!

Even though the person sitting across from you in an interview room can seem intimidating, at the end of the day, they are still human, and just as perceptive to non-verbal communication and presentation as any other person.

Humans are designed to pick up on messages sent verbally and non-verbally, and there are certain techniques you can use to help you leave a lasting impression on your interviewer. So what are they??Let’s break them down:

1. The Power of Positive Thinking

If you want to be successful in your interview, you must believe you will succeed. This starts with your mindset. When you’re confident, that feeling and empowerment can be felt by everyone in the room, and that goes a long way in helping you nail that interview.

To get in this mindset, think about a time you felt empowered –whether personal or at work. This will help generate a type of confidence you can walk into your interview with. Another great way to build confidence for your interview is to educate yourself about the position and the company beforehand.

2. Seriously, Smile!

Smiling allows others to see that you are friendly, outgoing, and personable. That being said, you don’t want to be that person who smiles too much, so keep the context and tone of the interview in mind. Some interviewers are serious while others are more conversational; knowing how to react appropriately to others is even more important than smiling.

3. Name Dropping

When you arrive at an interview, make sure you know whom to ask. This will leave a great first impression. Also, when greeting the interviewer (and during your interview), make sure to mention the interviewer’s name. In addition to making you appear engaged and interested, when you start a sentence with someone’s name, this helps people better remember what you said (and who you are).

4. Body Language

Body language in an interview can reveal a lot. Not only does it matter what you do with your hands but also how your hands feel/look. These days?handshakes are a thing of the past, but if your hands are visibly sweaty, they can reveal your anxiety or nervousness.

Eye contact and nodding demonstrate understanding and engagement. (Try pairing this with a namedrop to be perceived as confident). Research also supports that mirroring someone’s body language in an interview can also lead to a more successful impression.

5. Reflective Listening

Reflective listening is when you repeat a statement or question in your own words. So, for example, if someone asks you, “What attracted you to this job?” you would respond by saying, “I was attracted to this job because…”.

Reflective listening demonstrates your comprehension and can make the interviewer feel more positive about you because it shows you are truly listening to them.


In the end, even though there are?certainly wrong ways to behave in an interview,?there is no one-size-fits-all answer to having the best interview. But just like there are general ways to reduce interview anxieties and mentally prepare, there are general psychology tips that can help you leave a lasting impression on your interviewer.

Using these 5 simple psychology tips on your next interview will surely make it one to remember.




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