Hack your hormonal imbalance
Smriti Mishra
II Health-hacker I Green Gastronomist I Nutrition & well-being consultant I Content Strategist I 40 under 40 II
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Hi everyone! As you know, every Tuesday, I bring science-backed health hacks for you. The purpose of sharing weekly hacks is simply to help you become more productive at work and also, in day to day life.
Today, I am going to share hacks to control hormonal imbalance by healthy fats.
#Healthhacks #30
Often feeling off? A sudden shift in emotion bothering you? You are following a controlled diet plan and after following it religiously, You are not able to meet the target weight? If such questions match with your present condition then yes, you must think upon hormonal imbalance.
Hormone imbalance can lead to a plethora of health issues in the body. The reason why they are the most talked-about subject when it comes to health and wellness.
Studies also indicate that such imbalance easily accompanies early ageing, lifestyle disorders and various diseases. Scared enough? Don’t worry! Fortunately, we have a plan to hack this imbalance. So, allow yourself to perform your best, once again.
Since this one is yet another exciting topic, I will be covering it in two parts. Today, I am going to share hacks on healthy fats in controlling hormonal imbalances.
- Raw butter or pure ghee supports immune function
Rich in fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K2, this fat provides great support to our immune function. This also boosts body metabolism, and assist in your weight loss programs that you have enrolled in.
How much: You can have up to 1 tsp of pure ghee in your routine diet if you are controlling other fat sources in the routine diet. An ideal consumption of total oil or all sorts of fat should be up to 500 ml/person/month.
2. Meet MCT (Medium-chain triglycerides) that makes you full for a long
MCTs are unique fats that are taken up directly by the liver for immediate use as energy. Including healthy natural fats and restricting unhealthy trans fats in your routine diet can help
stimulate the production of hormones that help control appetite.
MCT oil has been shown to increase the release of two hormones that promote the feeling of fullness in the body: peptide YY and leptin.
They help reduce insulin resistance in people who are overweight or fighting with obesity. obese people, as well as in people with diabetes.
MCTs are found in coconut oil, palm oil and pure MCT oil. Dairy sources like cheese, butter, milk, yoghurt are also fair sources of MCT.
3. Check on 'My MUFA' intake
Monounsaturated fats aka MUFA is known to control high blood pressure and promoting healthy cholesterol levels. These are also known as great brain food sources. Additionally, studies have shown that
consuming healthy fatty acids at meals triggers the release of hormones that help you feel full for a longer time.
MUFA-rich diet prevents central body fat distribution.
Studies suggest that Insulin hormone sensitivity is constant on a MUFA-rich diet.
Its sources include avocado, olive oil, flaxseed oil, sesame seed oil, sunflower oil, corn oil, and peanuts.
To optimize hormone health, consume various healthy fat sources with each meal.
4. Own omega-3 to balance
Omega 3 fatty acids have earned enough vogue as a healthy lifestyle booster. The strongest health benefit of omega-3 is related to heart health. It helps in lowering triglycerides and bad LDL. Besides these health benefits, omega-3 is particularly favourable for women as its anti-inflammatory properties help to soothe the menstrual pain.
They are known as an integral part of hormone regulation. It is taken as a therapeutic source if you are suffering from symptoms of hormone imbalance, of course with advice from the health professionals.
Omega 3 helps improve mood stabilizer hormone called serotonin.
It is also prescribed as estrogen and testosterone hormones effectiveness therapy by the doctors and health practitioners
It may help women to control hormonal fluctuations during their time of the menstrual cycle.
Sources include seafood, especially cold-water fatty fish- salmon, mackerel, tuna, herring, and sardines)
Nuts and seeds such as walnut, flaxseed, chia seeds
Plant oils (such as flaxseed oil, soybean oil, and canola oil)
I hope you find this article helpful. Stay tuned to know further how too hack your hormones in my next post.
Do you keep yourself engaged in any wellness activity? Are you looking for any health hacks in particular? Feel free to write me back in the comments section for any such hacks.