Hack the Lin.Security VM (Boot to Root)
Hello Guy’s!! In our previous article “Linux Privilege Escalation using Sudo Rights” we had described how some weak misconfiguration sudo rights can lead to root privilege escalation and today I am going to solve the CTF “Lin.Security – Vulnhub” which is design on weak sudo right permissions for beginners to test their skillset through this VM. This is one of the simplest labs to learn pen testing and also avoid misconfiguration, which can lead to full system compromise.
This lab has been designed by the researcher to help us understand, how certain built-in applications and services if misconfigured, may be abused by an attacker. Here an up-to-date Ubuntu distro (18.04 LTS) suffers from a number of vulnerabilities that allow a user to escalate to root on the box.
Let’s see how to install and start?
The image is just under 1.7 GB and can be downloaded using the link of vulnhub.com (https://www.vulnhub.com/?q=lin.security&sort=date-asc&type=vm#). On opening the OVA file, a VM named lin.security will be imported and configured with a NAT adapter, but this can be changed to bridge via the preferences of your preferred virtualization platform.
Let’s move now to find the ways to root this lab!!
The first thing before doing any of the CTF is to read the instructions carefully before starting your vulnerability assessment and save your precious time.
The writer of the lab has given a hint in terms of user-id & password of one of the users.
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