Hack Linux Kernel using Dirtycow Exploit (Privilege Escalation)
People say that “good things take time” but everyone knows that in today’s world everyone has everything but time especially in cyber security and hacking. But worry no more about time as we are going to present the best and time saving method to hack any Linux server/machine through DirtyCow. This is the latest vulnerability that has been found that works against every version of kernel that has ever existed till date and researchers and attackers are taking it very seriously. It’s a nine year old bug but is only discovered now. And it has already begun to be used as leverage against the digital world.
DirtyCow is the latest exploit coined against every version of kernel in Linux. It got its name as “Cow” because it works on Copy-on-Write breakage. Kernel’s memory system works by handling Copy-On-Write breakage which contains private ROM. So basically this exploit helps us to escalate privileges by modifying existing setuid files.
Now I am going to walk you through the practical of DirtyCow by creating a normal user in my Kali and then I will be guiding you through the whole practical so stay with me.
Firstly make a new user in your kali by typing:
useradd –m raj
passwd raj
After running the above two commands it will ask you about password, here, give any password and repeat it.
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