The Hack of Accountability
Well, first things first.
Take out your phone, and have a quick browse of your Social Media profiles, like a comment on a few things and when you're done, let's get into this.
I recently watched the Great Hack, the movie that investigates the point of view that Data & Private Information on us is being sold & shared without us knowing or consenting to it.
Or as I like to call it, a look at what I eat, what I wear, what I drive, where I drink, and what music I am listening to without taking any accountability or reading terms and conditions.
I have watched with all data submitting eyes all these GDPR & POPI discussions, and I have viewed on a profile building Netflix all these documentaries about data security.
I have Googled & Youtubed in an all data submitting mindset all the research to conclude that we are where we are because we chose to be here but now lack the responsibility to accept, understand & try to change it.
While I was downloading and installing apps to show me how I would look like when I am 70, I was also allowing 3rd party apps to show me what my dog's name should be and what Avenger fits my personality.
My need for instant gratification just had my thumb clicking Next & Accept without understanding what I agreed to and what Data I was submitting.
I was swiping left looking for a fun night out while telling apps what my favourite food is so I can get suggestions based on my personality. I was ordering Uber to safe me from drunk driving because a Beer Quiz showed me what Pubs serve my Favourite Beer.
While I finally Tindered myself toward a night out, I was tweeting my political views and agreeing with #aminext movement. I mean all men are trash even though I just booked a date with a girl I have never met based on the fact that our profiles match and she agreed.
I selfied my outfit and based on the likes decided that I looked good enough to meet a girl I have never met in a restaurant that was suggested to me based on my food taste and Instagram posts and hashtags I follow.
But first I swiped my card for a craft beer and tagged the Brand as I want them to know #jackblack is my beer of choice.
Arriving at the restaurant, I first rated my Uber Driver before checking in on Facebook.
I was taken to the table where my date already had a cocktail.
The evening started with a conversation that led us to moments of Smartphone reflection & silence.
I used my Smartphone to break the silence showing her a few funny pictures & videos to try to determine her sense of humour.
As the main course arrived, we first had to take the perfect Instagram picture.
A quick Hashtag Discussion led us to more moments of complete silence until we finally hit the post button.
A friend request from her during dinner allowed me to see who our mutual friends were on Facebook, and I must be honest. I didn't recognise any of them. We both had a laugh realising that I was friends with her "Best" Friend " I had no idea who she was"
Isn't that silly we both said " we have so many "friends" on Facebook, but we dont know all of them in real life." "Real Life a Thought"
This quick story scared me.
These are two normal Consumers going out for a night, and the amount of data they willfully submitted is enough to build a profile on them that will allow big brands to retarget them on Social Media.
We live in a world where we can access so much instantly and let's be honest about this; we love it.
But this is my point. We are so out of touch with reality that we keep on doing things that put our security at risk. But we keep blaming the big corporates for not being responsible with the data.
As consumers, we want to blame everybody but ourselves for the current situation we find ourselves in. It is true, big brands know more about you than you know about yourself, but may I suggest why:
We have no idea who we are, and we have become addicted to the notion that the internet might help us answer that question.
We are trying to discover ourselves quiz by quiz, app by app and like by like.
We share digital footprints instead of real emotions, and digital thoughts and prayers are substituting actual human intervention and action.
While all this is going on the "Blame Game" is at an all-time high and "Cancel Culture" has become an online phenomenon along with "Digital Boycotts".
Keyboard Warriors and Chat Bots are causing real people to commit suicide, while real conversations & events are recorded and never consumed or understood.
My Phone in My Hand has become a Tool I use to Hack my Accountability. Who needs to be Accountable when we can tag, blame & shame over 3 Billion People & Brands.
The Real Hack is not data.
The Real Hack is Us and if you dont believe me, like share & comment on this article.
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The more I know about you, the better opportunity I will have to understand why you dont agree with me.
Thanks for Reading This.
See you on your timeline real soon.