The Haboob of Everyday

The Haboob of Everyday

When I moved to Arizona, I never thought much about this phenomenon call the haboob. A sand storm. I only thought this happened in the movies like Laurence of Arabia. But, in the first month I was here, I experienced a haboob first hand. I was in downtown Tempe, walking from my car to a restaurant, when, like in slow motion, I saw this wall of dust and dirt, a black cloud rolling in. I turned around, got in my car and decided to head home. As I was driving, the dust started to blow, and envelop the cars around me. Next, it started to rain MUD! Cars were pulling over, turning on their emergency flashers, and like a blizzard, traffic on the I-10 came to a halt. After the pause, the rain continued and cleared the air of the dust and everyone started to move again.

Much like our lives. I have experienced may haboob's of life. It is tempting to keep driving on, somewhat without direction. Unaware of the path to success or the danger that is right around us. These haboob's of life have become a warning for me to stop, pause, let the air clear, reoriented myself. Even though it does not seem natural to pause; we might miss a deal, or miss out on an opportunity, but in the end, we do not have the clarity to take advantage of the best that life and business have to offer.

This has been a hard lesson for me to learn. But, the haboob keeps moving. So when we pause, it blows on past leaving us with a vision for the mess around us and the path to navigate the obstacles heading to a higher level of prosperity.

Pause, Look and Listen. Haboob's are only temporary if we left them move on by.

#OrangeisTruth #JayJasper #DesertSellerAZ


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