Habits to Transform and Improve Your Life
Aakash Waghmare
State Government Approved Valuator, Advisor, Estimator, Builder and Developer For Real Estate Industry
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Habit creates man, man creates?habits
Everything is interrelated on this planet. Whatever you see, is related to your inner world, and everything you think is going to be true on this planet.
Of course, there are few requirements to convert thought into reality, and most people don’t know this.
They are helpless in cases when they want to transform their dream into reality
To have these habits with you, all you have to do is, just go ahead and do it.
Note: Initially you’ll get a problem and trust me, transformation is painful and hard. Because Success is highly respective, and he is not going to leave his position for your request without no effort.
Gift: Habit number 9 is the habit of creating an exponential Compound effect in life to achieve massive success faster with ease. Must read it.
Here are those 9 habits to put in your daily life.
Habit 1: Respect what you?have
Most people, don’t respect what they have right now, hence, they get kicks on their butts always from?life
They don’t respect their life, their body and hence they waste it for lust and sexual desires.
They don’t consider saying thanks to their life for being with them. Furthermore, they think they are lucky, and therefore they have their life.
But trust me or not, there are several millions of energies struggling to have this life.
This is not applicable for just life, but for relations, every asset and liabilities, responsibility and ability, every single piece including the pen you use to write.
When you respect what you’ve right now, you’ll gain the ability to use it perfectly.
If I don’t respect the computer I have right now, I am not going to make better use of it. Same applicable to Time, Life, Moments you’ve right now, your knowledge, your skills, your abilities, passion, and everything you can think of.
There is no one living on this planet, who love a person without considering single respect, except Mother only.
Only, our mother can love us, without considering our respect in return. The same can neither be applicable to Wife and Husband nor for Children and Father.
Respect is the only factor to win the heart, to feel the law of attraction practically
Habit 2: Be Open-Minded
Millions of people are having knowledge of everything, and hence they don’t have the ability of learning and?earn.
When you become an open-minded person in your life, you respect and learn whatever is there to learn.
Learning and being open-minded does not actually mean learning everything that fascinates and surprised you, but, learning what is required to achieve your goals.
Have your goal, life purpose, and passion in your life. Discover all these things along with living your life. Don’t waste your life finding those things.
Consider what you want to achieve and go for it in the current moment, and you’ll discover what is your life purpose, and passion along the way. Don’t waste time having these first in your life. Just a goal is enough.
When you’ve your life goals, be open-minded to learn what is required for them. Take experienced learning from every creature, and substance living on this earth.
Everyone can teach you, how to be better in your life, you only have to be open-minded for your progress.
Habit 3: Have the?Hope
Great leaders have the hope and they give the?hope
Hope is not something like, you keep and sit on the sofa to let the universe do his magic.
Science witnessed the fact that nature does its magic in very slow motion, but, it needs help from living energy.
If a few crore years ago, our first insects weren’t able to put their efforts to see what is outside, we may not be then able to have the eye-sights right now.
Nature does its magic, but only when you put your energy to make it happen.
So what is meant by having hope here?
Having hope means, being calm in every situation considering the rule of Hope, that everything is going to be wonderful.
Leaders have hope, hence they don’t react to their situations.
Science says, ‘Every action has an equal and opposite reaction’, therefore, your situation is a reaction to your past actions, and now if you again react to it, life will again react to it. And this cycle will never end until you don’t stop it. Because life is never going to stop reacting.
Is this mean you only have to stay calm? No. You don’t have to stay calm, but you’ve to react to it, breaking its opposite reactions.
Such as, when you react to your current negative reaction, life will react to it in a negative direction, but, when you stay calm, think and react in a positive direction, ultimately, life will react to it, in a positive direction.
It’s obvious that you’ll not get effective results as you wanted instantly, because, your past actions were about to end.
If you add 1Million to your minus 2 million bank account, what you’ll get?
surely, minus 1 million.
It means, you’ve to put positive reactions to every situation, until and unless you don’t get a positive reply from life.
Humans are having a negative balance in their life accounts, and they have to repay it with positivity first, only then, their life savings will start increasing.
Habit 4: Achieve small and increase the?belief
People are struggling to eat the whole fish?first!
Many people have goals in their life, but they're struggling hard, to get everything at once.
This ‘greedy’ and ‘taking shortcut’ nature pushes them back into their struggling life.
It’s like they are having big fried fish in their dish, and they are struggling HARD to make their mouth big enough to eat that whole fish at once.
This again leads them to demotivation and lacked confidence and belief.
When they lack confidence in doing it, they simply change their direction due to fear.
It is the normal nature of humans in today's world.
To get out of this situation, why don’t you take the fork and knife to slowly cut the piece of fish and eat it slowly enjoying it.
When you have your big goal ahead, make a small piece of it using your Knife (Your Intelligence), and use your fork (Your heart) to eat it slowly, to achieve I slowly.
When you achieve each piece of your goal, daily, or just 1% of your goal daily or weekly, you’ll feel more confident, and I am damn sure, you’ll enjoy doing it with the greatest motivation and inner burning desire.
Have your fork and knife ready to eat that big fish?slowly!
Habit 5: Love everyone, Create your single perception
Loving everything surrounding gives love in return.
Every creature is hungry and thirsty to get the love, but he is not having time to give the love.
LOVE is a powerful word. It is power in itself.
When you regularly spread the love to your surroundings, nature will get alert to your sentiment, and he’ll create your perception of loving everyone. And this is not merely a thought, it is reality.
Think about Mother Teresa, Abraham Lincoln, Henry Ford, John. D. Rockefeller, Warren Buffett, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, and everyone you want to think of.
Take their consideration and write down, what you think about them.
Then go and search, for what others think about them.
You’ll find the same results.
Every great leader spread love and creates a single perception about themselves throughout the world.
As much equal as they impact the lives, that much their brand becomes.
Ordinary people live in multi-directional perceptions.
Such as, if someone is saying, I am waking daily at 6 am, he’ll not be going to stick to it in his entire life. He’ll excuse his health, age, and other reasons.
Or, If a person is saying that, he’ll not be going to waste his time, but, someday, he’ll think, it’s okay to waste a little.
Have the single direction of your life. What do you want to put in front of others? What you have imagined about your brand?
A Brand is a Uni-directional entity, don’t make it a misleading entity.
Spread as much love as you can, and keep your single perception in their?hand
Habit 6: Be Imaginative and Romantic toward your?success
Love gives everything, And Romance retains love in life
Success does not need our love and attention only, it needs our romance too.
When we state or propose our success in our valentine's moment, success is not going to say ‘YES, I agree’ instantly. You have to put your efforts in place, to show that, you’re worthy of your success.
You’re really eager to marry with the success.
Most people marry with their success, and sooner they get bored, as they get bored with their real-life partner.
Success needs our romance, to make her/him feel that, she is everything to us, to give her feeling about You want to give her/him time to progress further.
Show your romance by doing whatever it takes to upgrade your success level.
Foremost, do efforts to marry her/him, and when you get married, put your romance (intuition, creativity, and imagination) to upgrade it to the next level.
Be romantic and?loving
Habit 7: Always go the extra?mile
When you put your efforts to achieve that 1%, make the habit to achieve it, and when you’re okay with it, increase it a little further.
When you go to the gym (if you go), you may have seen that your planning of workout is always progressive. It is showcasing that, you’ve to make a habit of it, and then, you’ve to upgrade it.
Most people don’t do upgrade.
Their life’s version is outdated, and their mobile version is upgraded.
They have an upgraded version of how to waste life and moment, and they're having an 18th-century version of “life’s progress and creativity”
People are being upgraded in ‘how to live life luxurious’ and not being upgraded in ‘how to think better for their future’
Their inner self is an older version, and their outer self is the newest version. Hence, how can they ever think that their life doesn’t go to get problems?
Problem outside is the result of reactions inside.
If you have an older version of the inside, you’ll face a problem in living life in an upgraded version of the outside.
You can’t have Apple’s Cover outside, and Nokia System Inside. It will work and react equally to Nokia, not like Apple Mobile.
Put daily progress, make it a habit, and again put a little extra to make a new upgraded habit.
Habit 8: Do things differently
How many of you brush regularly?
Yes, I mean it.
I know you do brush your teeth regularly, but, My question is with the opposite hand!
When you do your regular work in a different manner, you actually train yourself for increasing the capacity of the brain.
When your brain capacity goes beyond your current limit, you become intelligent.
And to become intelligent, you only have to do things differently.
I mean with it.
Increasing your brain capacity is really important if you really want to be productive, solution-oriented, and capable of doing something.
When people get problems in their life, they either cry or solve it. But, those who solve their own problems, have the ability to think differently, the ability to do things differently.
And this ability is not a born ability, it is a created ability.
When you do your regular work a little differently from older, you actually reprogram your life for productivity and increment of capacity.
The habit took from Jim Kwik
Habit 9: Whole Heart Intelligence
How many of you heard the word, Compounding?
I know, many of you. But none of you have seen it, in real-life development, except in finance.
Here is how the compounding effect works in this Last Habit.
Whole heart intelligence is a way to express, and share whatever you’ve with the world, to gain the compound effect in return.
This is the habit by which, you share whatever you’ve right now to share, without excepting anything in return with those people who are ready to take it and use it to transform their life.
It can be whatever including knowledge, skills, abilities, and whatever you can think.
When you share things with an able person, you become a person to get the compound effect, for sure.
This is the way, every great leader has in their life to gain the results.
This creates a tremendous amount of effect and gives a leader the ability to gain the compounding effect in return.
This compounding effect can then be usable in making money, creating wealth, living luxury, or anything.
That’s it.
You’ve gone through 9 Habits that will transform your life.
It’s time to take the leave.
What do you think about the habits now?
Is this going to work for you? Try to implement it, and comment below to give me a chance to transform your life. You can join the waiting list for the ‘Start Again’ book to grab your copy and learn how to transform your life using rich habits.
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