Habits of Successful Students
In high school I remember quite vividly that I was the one who was always achieving great marks , always on time , completed every home work and assignment that was given to me and even asked for more extra work , most of my classmates always thought these ' habits ' were great super powers and It even led to a point of the whole class voting me as their Representative Class Council [ R.C.L ] for 2 years In a row something that has never quiet happened In the history of my high school .
What I noticed from that day on when I started high school is the Importance of daily routine habits that are Instilled In us from a very young age . One of my most powerful habits I had learned was ' Reading ' - I would read a book from the morning all the way till dinner time and class mates always thought of the habit as ' futile ' and 'time consuming ' but the lessons and techniques I took away from reading were life changing .
I also had the habit of 'Organization ' I would look over my class schedule 3 times a day and pack my books a day after just to make sure I did not miss any lessons or activities that were happening the day after and that always kept me organized and focused .
The habit of good communication was always my favorite habit to learn and apply on a daily basis .. I would look my class mates , teachers and even my mother In the eye and give no verbal response whatsoever until they finished putting their point across ..
My message is I wish public and private schools would teach subjects like ' Emotional Intelligence ' and ' Habits ' skills that can benefit any student whether In primary or high school because these skills are life long and they build children's character and how they respond to challenges and difficulty .