Habits of High Achievers

The 21 Success Habits of High Achievers

1. Goal Focused

Their ambition begets developing the habit of setting and achieving stretch goals. They do this in all aspects of life. Ranging from career goals ($1 billion in assets), personal goals (running a marathon), to fun recreational goals (winning the club’s member guest tournament) – goal focus is a primary habit.

2. Highly Disciplined

What’s consistent about the discipline of high achievers is that it’s linked directly to their goals. They don’t waste energy on discipline for discipline’s sake. Their discipline is relegated to executing tasks that will lead them to their goals. But since they set goals in all areas of life, their discipline has a large footprint.

3. Very Competitive

High achievers are extremely competitive in all aspects of life. Playing a game of Scrabble with family, golf with friends, or acquiring new assets – they compete to win.

4. Knowledge Seeker

Avid readers who always want to learn, high achievers are life-long learners. Not only are they expanding their professional knowledge, they have a thirst for knowledge outside their industry and read a wide range of books and periodicals.

5. Priority Management

Understanding what’s important and taking action is the essence of priority management. Making that daily priority “to-do list” maximizes the value of their discipline (Habit #2). It also facilitates delegation. High achievers are good delegators as they focus on priorities.

6. Good Nutrition

High achievers understand that food is fuel and that in order to reach their ambitious goals they need high-octane fuel. They also understand that healthy eating helps keep them healthy. All of which is why good nutrition is one of their success habits.

7. Daily Exercise

A sibling to good nutrition, not only does daily exercise promote health, it releases chemicals called endorphins which trigger a feeling of general well-being and reduces stress – energizing both mind and body.

8. Good Sleeping Patterns

The human species needs a certain amount of sleep within a 24 hour period. Experts say we should strive for 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night. Good nutrition and daily exercise are habits that generally lead to good sleeping patterns.

9. Personal Time

Carving out quiet time for self (no cell phone or internet) stimulates creativity and allows the mind and body to recharge. Whether through meditation, yoga, or simply sitting on a park bench for 30 minutes, personal time is a success habit that’s under the radar.

10. Family Time

Family time provides balance that helps high achievers keep things in perspective. Like personal time, there’s a complete disconnect completely from the digital world with all focus on family.

11. Accountability

Because of their “no excuse” mentality, high achievers hold themselves accountable for performing necessary tasks. Many will hire coaches to further strengthen their accountability and accelerate their success. They know that without accountability –there’s no high achievement.

12. Self-aware

Awareness of performance specific weaknesses is what enables high achievers to correct areas that might keep them from their goals. High achievers have a “no excuse” mindset, take personal responsibility, and correct their weaknesses.

13. Comfort Zone Expansion

Activity drives the dream. Everyone has that little devilish voice of doubt (fear), but high achievers quiet it by recognizing what’s uncomfortable (fear) and taking action anyway. They make a habit of challenging themselves and as a result, continually expand their comfort zones through taking action.

14. Avoiding Toxicity

Negative people are toxic and they come in all sizes, shapes and forms. Not only are high achievers quick to recognize toxicity, they are skilled at minimizing their contact with it.

15. Optimistic (glass ? full)

Problems create opportunities. Being optimistic breeds a “can-do” attitude. Life’s challenges that derail most are merely speed-bumps to high achievers.

16. Adhere to Control Theory

Refusing to waste time and energy on things outside their control & being able to recognize what’s within their control versus what’s not, is critical to ongoing success.

17. Ability to Focus

Knowing the priority tasks that need to be done (Habit #5), holding themselves accountable (Habit #11), and recognizing what’s within their control (Habit #16), creates a laser-focus that enables them to stay on task amidst distractions. This is a mental strength necessary for achieving any serious goal.

18. Resilient

It’s interesting to see how these success habits are interconnected. Having a “can-do” attitude is directly related to overcoming adversity. This success habit is all about getting back into the game after failure and learning from mistakes.

19. Open Minded

People who seek knowledge (Habit #4) are life-long learners who change their mind when their learning indicates they should. Opposite of being opinionated, because they seek knowledge, open minded people are curious and welcome feedback.

20. Always Striving to Improve

Whether it’s correcting a performance-specific weakness, learning a new skill, or taking piano lessons – high achievers are always looking to grow. Attending workshops, retreats, night classes, hiring tutors and coaches – they go to great lengths to grow personally and professionally.

21. Good Listeners

The heart and soul of communication is listening. High achievers are good listeners. They understand that this success habit provides infinite benefits; uncovering opportunities, avoiding challenges, discovering shortcuts, emotionally connecting, and much more.


