Habitat ReStore: Working in Partnership- Roman's Story
Habitat for Humanity Ireland
Everyone, everywhere needs a place to call home.
Did you know that Habitat ReStore partners with other organisations to provide volunteering opportunities for people with mental health challenges, for those who are engaged in the justice system and for disadvantaged young people who need extra support in getting experience for employment?
Roman is a participant on the Cedar Foundation’s Inclusion Works Brain Injury service?and he has been a committed and dedicated volunteer at the?Habitat for Humanity ReStore?in Newry?since September 2018.?
Cedar’s Inclusion Works Programme supports adults with disabilities to build employability skills and gain experience to help them become work-ready, through study or volunteering.?Roman has been supported by the Cedar Foundation throughout his volunteering placement to engage and increase his attendance with Habitat over the years, at a level that has suited him.
From the outset Habitat?ReStore?provided extensive induction training and worked with Cedar to ensure Roman was able to develop a role that matched him, while meeting the needs of the store.?He was provided with invaluable support from Stuart Morrison, the?ReStore?manager, who has always welcomed Roman’s contribution.
Recently Habitat paid for Roman to undertake a Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) qualification, while Cedar provided study assistance. After a short period of time Roman was successful in achieving the qualification.?This has led to the further development of his role with Habitat.
Cedar Service Manager Sinead Drummond commented:??“Roman has been motivated and driven from when he first started his programme.?It was clear that he had a passion for working with his hands and the role with Habitat has provided an excellent opportunity to put his skills to good use.?Cedar would like to especially thank Stuart Morrison from Habitat who provided support to set up and maintain the placement and for demonstrating a keen interest in ensuring the development of Roman’s role.”
Learn more about Habitat ReStore Drogheda, opening soon: www.habitatireland.ie/restore
Watch our video below to hear directly from some Habitat ReStore volunteers: