Habit, Addiction, or a Combo?
Jason Sandler - Stress Management Authority
Stress Management Specialist | Communications Speaker | Workshop Facilitator | YouTube Presenter | Virtual Presenter
It almost feels like it is part of the "Rite of Passage" when we start making that extremely common statement
"I need coffee before I can do anything!"
I confess that IS me!
I was thinking about it last week. I had had two nights where I was struggling to sleep and decided to go 24 hours without any caffeine. No, I did not resort to decaf coffee, I drank Green Tea instead.
What I discovered was that although on a normal day I drink about 8 mugs of coffee, I had no withdrawal symptoms at all. (I also do not drink much instant coffee, I may be considered a coffee snob?)
I then asked myself that obvious question of am I an addict?
It's a definitive "NO"
It is just a habit to me.
Does coffee help people, for sure, does the coffee give me a buzz? Sadly I am not aware of feeling it. The tea-drinking when I woke was just as satisfying (although I did miss that beautiful aroma of the beans as they were being ground.
My question, what I am wondering is, what about you?
Are you one of those people that believe that you are unable to function without your daily dose of coffee? I am not saying coffee is bad for you, I am asking if we drink it as a nessecity or out of pleasure?
Coffee drinking does not have a negative impact on our productivity; have you questioned if it truly has a positive impact though?
I believe that I am drinking coffee out of habit, what about you?
Jason Sandler is a Speaker, Trainer, Author working with people and companies in helping create productive, confident, and focused people. Look for him on other social media platforms as well. www.jasonsandlerspeaks.com