Habit 5: Read Inspirational Quotes Everyday
Yukthi Gunasekera
Global Leadership Coach + Corporate Trainer + CEO Communication Specialist + Change Maker
If you are keen to master English to succeed in business or in your profession, this article is for you.
The purpose of this article (the fifth in this series) is for you to master English, so that you can communicate with impact and achieve business or professional success. However, if your mother tongue is English or you have mastered English already, this article is not meant for you. Each article will talk about a habit that you need to adopt and put into practice immediately to master English. This particular article talks about the importance of reading inspirational quotations every day - to master English.
Habit 5: Read Inspirational Quotes Everyday
Inspirational quotations have changed the course of history. “Give me liberty, or give me death!”, said Patrick Henry in a call to action that freed America from the clutches of Great Britain.
In the darkest days of the Union, Abraham Lincoln expressed the quintessential meaning of democracy: “government of the people, by the people, for the people”.?
Winston Churchill sent the English language to war and won World II by his eloquent statements, one of which was: “We shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.”
JFK inspired millions of Americans to serve their country first by saying, “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”
In what I consider to be a call-to-action for all human beings and for all ages, the famous anthropologist Margaret Mead said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”
And the list goes on.
You too can become an eloquent speaker and an impactful writer of English, if you read inspirational quotations (ideally of famous people) every day. This habit will help you to express your thoughts, ideas, and feelings to others in an attractive, attention-grabbing, appealing, and concise way. If you want to inspire and motivate others, how you say things is as important as what you say. So, make a decision now to become eloquent in English.
How do you read an inspirational quote every day?
One way is to download a free “thought of the day” app to your mobile phone. For example, if you have an Apple iPhone, download the free app called “BrainyQuote”. The app will pop an inspirational quote on your mobile phone screen every day – free of charge! The beauty of BrainyQuote is that you can go to its “Settings” and set the time of day for you to receive the quote. Say, for example, you get up at 6 am every day, then you can set the quote to pop up on your mobile phone screen at 6 am every day, so that the first thing you see in the day is an inspirational quote – not junk, fake news, or a yet another order from your Boss!
Another way to receive an inspirational quote every day is to google and find inspirational-quote websites that will send you a “quote of the day” every day – free of charge. There are many such free websites. I have subscribed to this free website, among others:?https://www.daily-motivational-quote.com.
So, every day, I receive many “quotes of the day” through both email and my mobile phone. I read these and hone my English verbal skills. Not only that, I also get inspired and get into a positive mood because of all these inspirational quotes that bombard me all day long!!!
Getting yourself inspired every day is very important if you are leading people. Did you know that the word “inspire” is made up of the two Latin words “in” and “spire”. “In” means inside. “Spire” means to blow. So, taken together, “inspiration” means to blow inside. What do you blow inside? You blow air! Can you live without air? No! So, what does “air” symbolize? Life. Therefore, inspiring yourself means giving “new life” to yourself. You need to give yourself new life every day, especially if you are a leader. For, as a leader, your main job is to inspire others to do great things. How can you inspire others to do great things, if you yourself are not inspired – if you are grumpy, negative, and pessimistic?
One more thing. Quotations from famous people will also help you to win support for your views, recommendations, or arguments. If you know and use an appropriate quote from a great man or woman in your speech or writing, your audience or readers will instantly accept your view. They may not know you or have much regard for you, but they will definitely know and have the highest regard for the famous person you are quoting. So, use famous people’s quotes strategically: to sell your ideas, views, and arguments instantly.
Therefore, reading inspirational quotes every day will not only help you master English, it will also help you to be a walking-inspiration and to sell your ideas instantly.
In closing, if you want to improve your business communication in English, start receiving and reading inspirational quotations every single day.
In my next article, which will appear in 2022, I will share Habit 6 with you.
Till then, happy holidays,
And Happy Inspiration - every day!