Haberdashery News – August 2024
Sportswear Sale Begins
Our annual spring and summer sportswear sale has begun! Please drop by to see our wonderful selections with special pricing just for you, our loyal clients.
Find great deals on:
Your haberdashers are looking forward to seeing you!
Going to College?
Hopefully we are getting wiser while our kids are getting older! When they are ready to head off to college, they will require many things while living away from home. Most young men will say, “I don’t need dress clothes”, but we haberdashers and parents know they will!
Here are the main dress items young men in college need:
If your son is heading to business or law school, he will require a solid navy or grey suit. We can always ship to their dorm after they move in if you are pressed for time, or don’t have the luggage space.
One caveat: you must get them measured and fitted before they leave for school!
Christmas in July
We received many toys and books after Christmas, and even into the spring, for the children at the Scottish Rite Hospital. We decided to drop them off in July for “Christmas in July” at TSRH! We are already looking forward to this year’s holiday season book and toy drive at the shop!
Construction Update
We are all signed off on the paperwork, architects, and landlord, and now we are waiting for the millwork and more to arrive! This August we will begin the next phase of of the renovation we began in 2018. We are keeping our fingers crossed that it will all be done by September 23rd, so we are racing against the clock!
As part of the renovation process, we have decided to part ways with a few of our amazing antiques. If you are interested in owning a piece of Ken’s history, please let us know as soon as possible. Below are a few of the pieces that will be leaving us to make way for the new Ken’s.
As always, thanks for reading and being part of the Ken’s community!
– Kory Helfman