HA Site-to-Site VPN Between GCP(VPC Peering) and AWS Cloud (Dynamic Routing)

HA Site-to-Site VPN Between GCP(VPC Peering) and AWS Cloud (Dynamic Routing)

Google Cloud provides a?highly available (HA) VPN?service to connect your VPC network to environments running outside of Google Cloud, such as on-premises or on AWS through an IPsec VPN connection. HA VPN provides an?SLA of 99.99% service availability?when configured based on Google best practices.

Architecture overview

The architecture described in this document includes the following components:

  • Cloud Router: A fully distributed and managed Google Cloud service to provide dynamic routing using BGP for your VPC networks.
  • HA VPN gateway: A Google-managed VPN gateway running on Google Cloud. Each HA VPN gateway is a regional resource that has two interfaces, each with its own external IP addresses: interface 0 and 1.
  • VPN tunnels: Connections from the HA VPN gateway to the peer VPN gateway on AWS through which encrypted traffic passes.
  • Peer VPN gateway: Two?AWS Site-to-Site VPN endpoints, which can be from an AWS virtual private gateway or AWS transit gateway.


  • Create a Two Peered VPC network on Google & AWS Cloud.
  • Create an HA VPN gateway and Cloud Router on Google Cloud.
  • Create TWO customer gateways on AWS.
  • Create a VPN connection with dynamic routing on AWS.
  • Create an external VPN gateway and VPN tunnels on Google Cloud.
  • Verify and test the VPN connection between VPC networks on Google Cloud and AWS.

Step 1 — Create a VPC on Google Cloud

VPC on Google Cloud:


gcloud compute networks create nw1-vpc --subnet-mode custom  --bgp-routing-mode=global

gcloud compute networks create nw1-vpc \
   --subnet-mode=custom \

gcloud compute networks subnets create nw1-vpc-sub1-us-central1 \
  --network nw1-vpc \
  --range \
  --region us-central1 \
  --enable-flow-logs \

gcloud compute networks subnets create nw1-vpc-sub2-us-east4 \
  --network nw1-vpc \
  --range \
  --region us-east4 \
  --enable-flow-logs \

gcloud compute networks subnets create nw1-vpc-sub3-euro-west2 \
  --network nw1-vpc \
  --range \
  --region europe-west2 \
  --enable-flow-logs \

gcloud compute networks list
gcloud compute networks describe nw1-vpc
gcloud compute networks subnets list --filter network:nw-vpc

gcloud compute firewall-rules create nw1-vpc-ssh-allow \
    --network nw1-vpc \
    --action allow \
    --direction ingress \
    --rules tcp:22,icmp \
    --source-ranges \
    --priority 1000 \
    --enable-logging \
    --target-tags nw1-vpc-ssh-allow

gcloud compute firewall-rules create nw1-vpc-internal-allow \
    --network  nw1-vpc \
    --action allow \
    --direction ingress \
    --rules tcp,udp,icmp,ipip \
    --source-ranges \
    --priority 1100

gcloud compute firewall-rules list --filter network:nw1-vpc        


gcloud compute networks create nw2-vpc --subnet-mode custom

gcloud compute networks subnets create nw2-vpc-sub1-us-central1 \
  --network nw2-vpc \
  --range \
  --region us-central1 \
  --enable-flow-logs \

gcloud compute networks subnets create nw2-vpc-sub2-us-east4 \
  --network nw2-vpc \
  --range \
  --region us-east4 \
  --enable-flow-logs \

gcloud compute networks subnets create nw2-vpc-sub3-me-central1 \
  --network nw2-vpc \
  --range \
  --region me-central1 \
  --enable-flow-logs \

gcloud compute networks describe nw2-vpc
gcloud compute networks subnets list  --filter network:nw2-vpc

gcloud compute firewall-rules create nw2-vpc-ssh-allow \
    --network nw2-vpc \
    --action allow \
    --direction ingress \
    --rules tcp:22,icmp \
    --source-ranges \
    --priority 1000 \
    --enable-logging \
    --target-tags nw2-vpc-ssh-allow

gcloud compute firewall-rules create nw2-vpc-internal-allow \
    --network  nw2-vpc \
    --action allow \
    --direction ingress \
    --rules tcp,udp,icmp,ipip \
    --source-ranges \
    --priority 1100

gcloud compute firewall-rules list --filter network:nw2-vpc

Step 2— Create a VPC Peering on Google Cloud

gcloud compute networks peerings create nw1-vpc-to-nw2-vpc \
    --network nw1-vpc \
    --peer-project dev-project-7144 \
    --peer-network nw2-vpc \
    --stack-type IPV4_ONLY \

gcloud compute networks peerings create nw2-vpc-to-nw1-vpc \
    --network nw2-vpc \
    --peer-project dev-project-7144 \
    --peer-network nw1-vpc \
    --stack-type IPV4_ONLY \

gcloud compute networks peerings list

gcloud compute firewall-rules create nw1-vpc-peering-allow \
    --network  nw1-vpc \
    --action allow \
    --direction ingress \
    --rules tcp,udp,icmp,ipip \
    --source-ranges \
    --priority 1200

gcloud compute firewall-rules create nw2-vpc-peering-allow \
    --network  nw2-vpc \
    --action allow \
    --direction ingress \
    --rules tcp,udp,icmp,ipip \
    --source-ranges \
    --priority 1200        

Step 3— Create four VMS (Public & Private VMs) in both VPCs

gcloud compute instances create nw1vpc-publicvm1 \
   --image-family ubuntu-2204-lts \
   --image-project ubuntu-os-cloud \
   --boot-disk-size 20GB \
   --subnet nw1-vpc-sub1-us-central1 \
   --private-network-ip \
   --zone us-central1-b \
   --project dev-project-7144 \
   --tags nw1-vpc-ssh-allow

gcloud compute instances create nw1vpc-privatevm2 \
   --image-family centos-7 \
   --image-project centos-cloud \
   --boot-disk-size 20GB \
   --subnet nw1-vpc-sub3-euro-west2 \
   --private-network-ip \
   --zone  europe-west2-c \
   --project dev-project-7144 \

gcloud compute instances create nw2vpc-publicvm1 \
   --image-family centos-stream-8 \
   --image-project  centos-cloud \
   --boot-disk-size 20GB \
   --subnet nw2-vpc-sub2-us-east4 \
   --private-network-ip \
   --zone us-east4-c \
   --project dev-project-7144 \
   --tags nw2-vpc-ssh-allow

gcloud compute instances create nw2vpc-privatevm2 \
   --image-family ubuntu-2204-lts \
   --image-project ubuntu-os-cloud \
   --machine-type e2-medium \
   --boot-disk-size 20GB \
   --subnet nw2-vpc-sub3-me-central1 \
   --private-network-ip \
   --zone me-central1-a \
   --project dev-project-7144 \

Step 4— Create a VPC on AWS Cloud

Refer to my previous blog.

Step 5— Create an HA VPN gateway and Cloud Router on Google Cloud.

gcloud compute routers create cloud-router \
    --project dev-project-7144
    --region us-central1 \
    --network nw1-vpc \
    --asn 64514

gcloud compute routers list
gcloud compute routers  describe cloud-router --region us-central1

gcloud compute vpn-gateways create gcp-aws-connection \
    --network nw1-vpc \
    --region us-central1  \
    --stack-type IPV4_ONLY

gcloud compute vpn-gateways list
gcloud compute vpn-gateways describe gcp-aws-connection        


Network?: nw1-vpc

Region: us-central1

Google ASN: 64514

Note : Public IP of GCP VPN Gateway? &

Note: Depend on you create one or two tunnel on GCP Cloud

vpn gateway name: gcp-aws-connection



Step 6— Create Two customer gateways on AWS.

The customer gateway is the representation, in AWS, of the far side of Other side VPN connection. This is basically the IP address AWS will be contacting.

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Enter the name of Customer gateway

Put GCP Static Public IP in Customer gateway IP Address Field

& Google ASN

Click Create a customer gateway.

Step 7— Create “Virtual Private Gateway” on AWS Cloud

A virtual private gateway is the representation of a “VPN concentrator” in AWS. Think of it as the AWS side of the connection between the two networks — the gate out of the AWS VPC.

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Step 8— Attach Virtual Private Gateway to the VPC

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In the Virtual Private Gateway screen, select your new gateway and click “Attach to VPC”.

Each VPC can only be connected to a single Virtual Private Gateway.

Click on “Create Virtual Private Gateway”

Choose a Name of VPG.

ASN Number(AWS Side): 64512

Step 9— Create the TWO “VPN Connection” in AWS

We’re ready to connect the two gateways.


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Name tag:?aws-gcp-connection1

Target Gateway Type:?Virtual Private Gateway

Virtual Private Gateway:?VPG ID

Customer Gateway:?Existing

Customer Gateway ID:?CD ID (AWS-CG1)

Routing Options:?Dynamic

Tunnel 1:

Pre-shared key for tunnel 1 : Abcd1234


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Name tag:?aws-gcp-connection2

Target Gateway Type:?Virtual Private Gateway

Virtual Private Gateway:?VPG ID

Customer Gateway:?Existing

Customer Gateway ID:?CD ID (AWS-CG2)

Routing Options:?Dynamic

Tunnel 1:

Pre-shared key for tunnel 1 : Abcd1234

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Step 10— Download the Configguration from AWS

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Software:?Vendor Agnostic

In this download file following parameters are important:

For aws-gcp-connection1

1: Internet Key Exchange Configuration (From Download File)

  • IKE version : IKEv2
  • — Authentication Method : Pre-Shared Key
  • — Pre-Shared Key : Abcd1234
  • — Authentication Algorithm : sha1
  • — Encryption Algorithm : aes-128-cbc
  • — Lifetime : 28800 seconds
  • — Phase 1 Negotiation Mode : main
  • — Diffie-Hellman : Group 2

3: Tunnel interface configuration (From Download File)

Outside IP Addresses:

— Customer Gateway : HA Public IP)

— Virtual Private Gateway : HA Public IP)

Inside IP Addresses

— Customer Gateway :

— Virtual Private Gateway :

For aws-gcp-connection2

1: Internet Key Exchange Configuration (From Download File)

  • IKE version : IKEv2
  • — Authentication Method : Pre-Shared Key
  • — Pre-Shared Key : Abcd1234
  • — Authentication Algorithm : sha1
  • — Encryption Algorithm : aes-128-cbc
  • — Lifetime : 28800 seconds
  • — Phase 1 Negotiation Mode : main
  • — Diffie-Hellman : Group 2

3: Tunnel interface configuration (From Download File)

Outside IP Addresses:

— Customer Gateway : HA Public IP)

— Virtual Private Gateway : HA Public IP)

Inside IP Addresses

— Customer Gateway :

— Virtual Private Gateway :

Step 11— Create an external VPN gateway on Google Cloud.

gcloud compute external-vpn-gateways create aws-peer-side \
    --interfaces 0=,1=

gcloud compute external-vpn-gateways list
gcloud compute external-vpn-gateways describe aws-peer-side        

Virtual Private Gateway : HA Public IP) from aws-gcp connection1

Virtual Private Gateway : HA Public IP) from aws-gcp connection2

Step 12— Create Two VPN tunnels on Google Cloud.

ADD VPN Tunnel

gcloud compute vpn-tunnels create gcp-aws-tunnel0 \
    --peer-external-gateway=aws-peer-side \
    --peer-external-gateway-interface=0  \
    --region=us-central1 \
    --ike-version=2 \
    --shared-secret=Abcd1234 \
    --router=cloud-router \
    --vpn-gateway=gcp-aws-connection \

gcloud compute vpn-tunnels create gcp-aws-tunnel1 \
    --peer-external-gateway=aws-peer-side \
    --peer-external-gateway-interface=1  \
    --region=us-central1 \
    --ike-version=2 \
    --shared-secret=Abcd1234 \
    --router=cloud-router \
    --vpn-gateway=gcp-aws-connection \

gcloud compute vpn-tunnels list
gcloud compute vpn-tunnels describe gcp-aws-tunnel0
gcloud compute vpn-tunnels describe gcp-aws-tunnel1        

Step 13 — Create Two Interfaces in Cloud Router on Google Cloud.

gcloud compute routers add-interface cloud-router \
  --interface-name=if-tunnel0-to-nw1-vpc \
  --vpn-tunnel=gcp-aws-tunnel0 \
  --ip-address= \
  --mask-length 30 \

gcloud compute routers add-interface cloud-router \
  --interface-name=if-tunnel1-to-nw1-vpc \
  --vpn-tunnel=gcp-aws-tunnel1 \
  --ip-address= \
  --mask-length 30 \

Cloud Router BGP IP Address

— Customer Gateway : from?aws-gcp-connection1

— Customer Gateway : from?aws-gcp-connection2

Step 14— Create Two BGP Sessions in Cloud Router on Google Cloud.

gcloud compute routers add-bgp-peer cloud-router \
 --peer-name=bgp-peer-connection \
 --peer-asn=64512 \
 --interface=if-tunnel0-to-nw1-vpc \
 --peer-ip-address= \

gcloud compute routers add-bgp-peer cloud-router \
 --peer-name=bgp-peer-connection1 \
 --peer-asn=64512 \
 --interface=if-tunnel1-to-nw1-vpc \
 --peer-ip-address= \

gcloud compute vpn-gateways describe gcp-aws-connection        

Peer BGP IP Addresses (AWS Side BGP Address)

— Virtual Private Gateway : from?aws-gcp-connection1

— Virtual Private Gateway : from?aws-gcp-connection2

GCP Side Connection Established

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AWS Side Connection Established

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Step 15— Route Propagation in AWS Cloud

Edit Routing table of Subnet

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Automatically GCP subnets cidr propagated in AWS vpc in Route Table

Step 16— Route Propagation in Google Cloud

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Automatically AWS vpc cidr propagated in gcp-vpc Routes

Step 17 — Update Firewall Rule in GCP Cloud (nw1-vpc)

gcloud compute firewall-rules create nw1-vpc-vpn-allow \
    --network  nw1-vpc \
    --action allow \
    --direction ingress \
    --rules tcp,udp,icmp,ipip \
    --source-ranges \
    --priority 1400        

Step 18— Update Security Group Rules in AWS Cloud

GCP subnet CIDR nw1-vpc

GCP subnet CIDR nw2-vpc

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Test Connectivity

Step 19— Test Connectivity


AWS Public EC2 Can ping & ssh both private & Public VM in Google Cloud

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AWS EC2 VM cant ping to nw2-vpc vm due to VPC?peering does not support transitive peering relationships.

Importing and exporting custom routes (On GCP Side)

Step 20— Edit peering connection in GCP Cloud

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Now Route propagted in peering connections

Step 21 — Edit Cloud Router setting in GCP Cloud

Add Manually routes for Peering Connection

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Step 22— Route Propagation in AWS Cloud

Automatically learn new route ( from gcp cloud router

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Step 23— Update Firewall Rule in GCP Cloud (nw2-vpc)

gcloud compute firewall-rules create nw2-vpc-vpn-allow \
    --network  nw2-vpc \
    --action allow \
    --direction ingress \
    --rules tcp,udp,icmp,ipip \
    --source-ranges \
    --priority 1400        

Step 24 — Test Connectivity


AWS Public EC2 Can ping & ssh peered vpc network in GCP Cloud

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Step 25 — Delete Resources

gcloud compute vpn-tunnels list
gcloud compute vpn-tunnels delete gcp-aws-tunnel0
gcloud compute vpn-tunnels delete gcp-aws-tunnel1

gcloud compute external-vpn-gateways delete aws-peer-side

gcloud compute vpn-gateways list
gcloud compute vpn-gateways delete gcp-aws-connection

gcloud compute routers list
gcloud compute routers delete cloud-router

gcloud compute networks peerings list
gcloud compute networks peerings delete nw1-vpc-to-nw2-vpc --network nw1-vpc
gcloud compute networks peerings delete nw2-vpc-to-nw1-vpc --network nw2-vpc        

The End

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