HA Redis clustering from scratch
Part One
Hello, in this article's cycle we’ll focus on the most popular ways of creating the highly available Redis setups. And try to take a detailed view of the existing ways of implementing the Redis clustering for the production setup.
Redis one of the most popular key-value database today and you can meet with it on a lot of projects in different places, from small websites up to complicated distributed applications. In this article, we’ll use the community Redis version, that as you know have some differences and restrictions from the enterprise version.
The main goal of the Redis-like databases — speed, they use the RAM for storing the data, you’ll get speed for the read-write requests but also risks losing your data at any time your Redis host system will have issues or reboots. For preventing this Redis allows creating the replication of the database between the few hosts in master-slave style, and also saving the database snapshots to the system hard drive. Unfortunately, this easy replication solution will lead you to manually database recovering by loading the data from the disk snapshots or switching your application to use slave node after master will go down. That’s why the Redis community created a few more complicated ways of constructing the HA Redis setups, like Redis Sentinel or Redis Cluster. They can make the automated recovery after the possible issues and provide a way to create really strong HA Redis clusters.
Of course, you’ll need some additional software to be used together with Redis to provide this high available clustering, like HAProxy and Keepalived or the cloud providers LB solutions or even SAAS level decisions.
In the first part of this article, we’ll create a simple but really highly available Redis cluster from one master node and two slaves with Redis Sentinel.
Redis Sentinel provides high availability for Redis. In practical terms this means that using Sentinel you can create a Redis deployment that resists without human intervention certain kinds of failures.
For this solution, we’ll need a minimum of three nodes in our cluster, you can use on-premise servers or virtual machines on any of the cloud providers instances, it’s all up to you. In this setup, only one node will be able to handle the read-write requests and will take all load, the few other nodes will be on hot reserve and will come into play if the master node experiences any serious problems.
Also, we’ll use Docker and Docker-compose for the quick setup of all the needed software packages. Please mind that we don’t use any container orchestration tools like Docker Swarm or Kubernetes in this first part of the article and our Docker containers will use the host networking of the servers.
The one component that will be running outside the Docker’s Keepalived package, which will implement the first line of load balancing and give us the floating IP address that will migrate between the cluster nodes providing the fault tolerance of this solution.
If you’ll use the cloud provider for implementing this example setup you can change the Keepalived with the internal cloud loadbalance service, but for the on-premise servers as I said we’ll use the Keepalived.
The logical schema of this example will look this way:
There will be three nodes with the same software packages but with a bit different configuration of them. First of all, we need to place our nodes in the same L2 network layer for providing the floating IP between them using the Keepalived VRRP setup. Also, the Keepalived will make the monitoring of the HAProxy service on the same node with him, and move the floating IP to the other node if this service will fail.
At one time only one HAProxy service will serve all requests and send them to the master Redis node. The HAProxy will checks which of the Redis now runs as master and route all requests only into this node. If the other Redis node will start to be a master, the HAProxy will quickly reroute all requests into it. The last part of this schema the Redis Sentinel, this service will create a quorum from the three nodes and check the Redis master state and then reconfigure the slave node into the master state if the previous Redis master service will fault.
In the end, this setup will provide us with the HA Redis implementation, which can save you from losing important data and idling any requests also. This schema can handle the total losing one of the cluster nodes, also it’ll provide automation with switching the slave nodes into master and returning the lost master node back into the cluster as slaves one. And all this will be done fully automated, so you’ll no need manual attention for it.
Now let’s start with creating the Redis and Redis Sentinel services and the load balancer HAProxy setup first, all these steps will be the same one for all three nodes, but with small changes in the configuration files of the Redis service. As I said we’ll use Docker to run these services as the easiest modern way of running and updating any services. Also, we’ll use the docker-compose decision to simplify running all these parts together.
Needed steps:
- Choose the subnet for your cluster, for this setup you’ll need to put all nodes in the same L2 network to be able to use floating IP with the Keepalived.
- will be the subnet for this example.
- will be the virtual VRRP floating IP, that will be assigned to one node per time, Keepalived will take care of it, also this IP will be the main IP for all requests into this Redis cluster.
- was taken just for example if you’ll use the subnet you can choose the other IP as a gateway IP.
- You’ll need to install Docker & Docker Compose on all three nodes
If you’ll use the cloud provider for creating nodes(instances) for the Redis services then it very possible that you’ll no need or even can’t use the Keepalived in your setup, in opposite you need to use the existing load-balancer services from that cloud provider, for routing requests to the HAproxy services in this cluster.
First, let's create all directories on these three nodes:
node1# mkdir -p /opt/redis_ha/{redis,haproxy} && mkdir /opt/redis_ha/redis/data && cd /opt/redis_ha/ node2# mkdir -p /opt/redis_ha/{redis,haproxy} && mkdir /opt/redis_ha/redis/data && cd /opt/redis_ha/ node3# mkdir -p /opt/redis_ha/{redis,haproxy} && mkdir /opt/redis_ha/redis/data && cd /opt/redis_ha/
Now we need to create a docker-compose.yml file, where describes the configuration of the HAProxy and Redis and Sentinel docker containers. This is the easiest way of configuration the docker containers when you need to start more than one containers that logically belong to the same application.
Create this config on all three nodes, the docker-compose file will be the same for all of them:
node1:/opt/redis_ha# vi docker-compose.yml version: '2' services: redis: image: redis:latest container_name: redis restart: always volumes: - /opt/redis_ha/redis:/usr/local/etc/redis - /opt/redis_ha/redis/data:/data command: redis-server /usr/local/etc/redis/redis.conf network_mode: "host" sentinel: image: redis:latest container_name: sentinel restart: always volumes: - /opt/redis_ha/redis:/usr/local/etc/redis command: redis-server /usr/local/etc/redis/sentinel.conf --sentinel network_mode: "host" depends_on: - redis haproxy: image: haproxy:2.3 container_name: haproxy restart: always volumes: - /opt/redis_ha/haproxy:/usr/local/etc/haproxy network_mode: "host" depends_on: - redis
This is a very simple configuration that contains three docker images: Redis server, Redis Sentinel service, and the HAProxy load balancer service. There we using the host network mode, this will open docker container ports on the main host IPs, also we describe some volumes that will contain the container's configuration files and data.
In the /opt/redis_ha/redis and /opt/redis_ha/haproxy directories, we’ll put the Redis, Sentinel and HAProxy configuration files. In the /opt/redis_ha/redis/data the Redis will store the RDB database file if it’ll be needed.
Now let’s create a Redis configuration file, the first node will be the master node from the beginning:
node1# cd /opt/redis_ha/redis node1:/opt/redis_ha/redis# vi redis.conf # Main part bind requirepass somepassword masterauth somepassword protected-mode yes port 6379 # Small tuning tcp-keepalive 0 maxmemory 5gb maxmemory-policy volatile-lru
This is a very basic but fully enough configuration, you’ll need to set your own password and change the maxmemory parameter.
The second node Redis configuration file will be:
node2# cd /opt/redis_ha/redis node2:/opt/redis_ha/redis# vi redis.conf bind requirepass somepassword masterauth somepassword protected-mode yes port 6379 slaveof 6379 # Small tuning tcp-keepalive 0 maxmemory 5gb maxmemory-policy volatile-lru
Please mind that passwords and ports must be the same for all three Redis configurations, in fact, the rest of the two nodes will have only a few differences in configuration with the master node, the slave mode enabled parameter, and the bind IP address parameter.
OK and now the third Redis node config:
node3# cd /opt/redis_ha/redis node3:/opt/redis_ha/redis# vi redis.conf bind requirepass somepassword masterauth somepassword protected-mode yes port 6379 slaveof 6379 # Small tuning tcp-keepalive 0 maxmemory 5gb maxmemory-policy volatile-lru
We finished with the Redis configuration and now we need to create three Sentinel configs, one per node. The Sentinel for the proper work should consist of three nodes minimum, for having a quorum when one node will go down.
In the same /opt/redis_ha/redis directory on each node please create a sentinel.conf file with these parameters:
node1# cd /opt/redis_ha/redis node1:/opt/redis_ha/redis# vi sentinel.conf port 26379 sentinel monitor master 6379 2 sentinel auth-pass master somepassword sentinel down-after-milliseconds master1 3000 sentinel failover-timeout master 6000 sentinel parallel-syncs master 1 protected-mode no
Repeat this on the other two nodes, you must have absolutely the same sentinel.conf on all of them.
More detailed information about these parameters you can found in the Redis Sentinel documentation.
The master parameter name you can choose any, but mind that this name must be the same for all three Sentinel configs. Also in our configuration, we set up the quorum of two nodes for the election of a new master. Then we set up the timeouts to make a decision about the master node failure.
Also, we need to make the directory with the Redis configs writable for the Sentinel service. Sentinel will need to rewrite the Redis and own configuration files for the cluster reconfiguration purpose after possible issues with the master node.
On all of the three nodes run:
node1# chmod -R 777 /opt/redis_ha/redis node2# chmod -R 777 /opt/redis_ha/redis node3# chmod -R 777 /opt/redis_ha/redis
After we finished with the Redis and Sentinel configs, we need to setup a few sysctl commands on all three nodes, these parameters will allow the HAProxy service to run on a floating IP that not assigned to the specific host right now.
Add the next few lines to the end of the /etc/sysctl.conf file on your servers:
node1# vi /etc/sysctl.conf net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 net.ipv4.ip_nonlocal_bind=1 node2# vi /etc/sysctl.conf net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 net.ipv4.ip_nonlocal_bind=1 node3# vi /etc/sysctl.conf net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 net.ipv4.ip_nonlocal_bind=1
And run this command after:
node1# sysctl -p node2# sysctl -p node3# sysctl -p
OK, let’s create the configuration for HAProxy services, all three configs will be absolutely the same for all nodes:
node1:/opt/redis_ha/haproxy# vi haproxy.cfg defaults REDIS mode tcp timeout connect 3s timeout server 3s timeout client 3s frontend ft_redis mode tcp bind default_backend bk_redis backend bk_redis mode tcp option tcp-check tcp-check send AUTH\ somepassword\r\n tcp-check expect string +OK tcp-check send PING\r\n tcp-check expect string +PONG tcp-check send info\ replication\r\n tcp-check expect string role:master tcp-check send QUIT\r\n tcp-check expect string +OK server redis_node1 maxconn 4096 check inter 3s server redis_node2 maxconn 4096 check inter 3s server redis_node3 maxconn 4096 check inter 3s
As I mentioned previously the HAProxy service will run on all nodes, but only one of it will serve the requests, in the case when the floating IP will be assigned to this node by Keepalived.
As you know only the Redis master node can accept write requests, so our HAProxy will check which node has the master status now, and redirect all requests only to this node. Also, mind that we expose the 6380 port as the main port of our Redis cluster, so all requests from the applications must be sent to that port and not to the 6379.
If accidentally the master node will go offline and Sentinel will elect and reconfigure one of the slave nodes to the master state, the HAProxy will detect this and starts sending requests to the new master then.
Now we need to repeat with creating the same HAProxy configuration files on the other two nodes.
After we finished creating the configuration files on all three nodes, we actually ready to start the main part of the cluster.
For doing this please cd into the /opt/redis_ha directory and start the services with docker-compose up -d command, first on node1 and then on node2 and node3:
node1:/opt/redis_ha/# docker-compose up -d Creating redis Creating haproxy Creating sentinel node2:/opt/redis_ha/# docker-compose up -d Creating redis Creating haproxy Creating sentinel node3:/opt/redis_ha/# docker-compose up -d Creating redis Creating haproxy Creating sentinel
Now check that all three services have the UP state on all cluster nodes:
node1:/opt/redis_ha/ docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 85116fdabe24 haproxy:2.3 "docker-entrypoint.s…" About a minute ago Up About a minute haproxy c52354fab87e redis:latest "docker-entrypoint.s…" About a minute ago Up About a minute sentinel da32da2e0566 redis:latest "docker-entrypoint.s…" About a minute ago Up About a minute redis node2:/opt/redis_ha/ docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES d6c415df3b48 haproxy:2.3 "docker-entrypoint.s…" About a minute ago Up 58 seconds haproxy a55fe4770a33 redis:latest "docker-entrypoint.s…" About a minute ago Up 58 seconds sentinel cc8bf8c2e836 redis:latest "docker-entrypoint.s…" About a minute ago Up About a minute redis node3:/opt/redis_ha/ docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 4dded73ef806 redis:latest "docker-entrypoint.s…" 58 seconds ago Up 56 seconds sentinel 35b827360329 haproxy:2.3 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 58 seconds ago Up 56 seconds haproxy e46cf2ef4053 redis:latest "docker-entrypoint.s…" 59 seconds ago Up 58 seconds redis
After we were convinced that all containers were started and working OK, we can check the logs for the Redis and Sentinel containers to be sure that our master-slave configuration working as expected.
Check the Redis container logs on the first node that we made as a master node from the start:
node1# docker logs redis 1:C 06 Mar 2021 09:55:32.638 # oO0OoO0OoO0Oo Redis is starting oO0OoO0OoO0Oo 1:C 06 Mar 2021 09:55:32.638 # Redis version=6.2.0, bits=64, commit=00000000, modified=0, pid=1, just started 1:C 06 Mar 2021 09:55:32.638 # Configuration loaded 1:M 06 Mar 2021 09:55:32.639 * monotonic clock: POSIX clock_gettime 1:M 06 Mar 2021 09:55:32.640 * Running mode=standalone, port=6379. 1:M 06 Mar 2021 09:55:32.640 # Server initialized 1:M 06 Mar 2021 09:55:32.641 * Loading RDB produced by version 6.2.0 1:M 06 Mar 2021 09:55:32.642 * RDB age 234746 seconds 1:M 06 Mar 2021 09:55:32.642 * RDB memory usage when created 1.96 Mb 1:M 06 Mar 2021 09:55:32.642 * DB loaded from disk: 0.001 seconds 1:M 06 Mar 2021 09:55:32.642 * Ready to accept connections 1:M 06 Mar 2021 09:55:57.701 * Replica asks for synchronization 1:M 06 Mar 2021 09:55:57.701 * Partial resynchronization not accepted: Replication ID mismatch (Replica asked for 'f0542da5093ec0603f4896e0a84b06d1bd2642fc', my replication IDs are '7eb1071 312fc229c2b49be83d09c47aaff7f08ec' and '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000') 1:M 06 Mar 2021 09:55:57.701 * Replication backlog created, my new replication IDs are 'ba07b3ecd299c54b459d17343cdc67b0d9d3cc8a' and '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000' 1:M 06 Mar 2021 09:55:57.701 * Starting BGSAVE for SYNC with target: disk 1:M 06 Mar 2021 09:55:57.702 * Background saving started by pid 18 18:C 06 Mar 2021 09:55:57.788 * DB saved on disk 18:C 06 Mar 2021 09:55:57.789 * RDB: 0 MB of memory used by copy-on-write 1:M 06 Mar 2021 09:55:57.792 * Background saving terminated with success 1:M 06 Mar 2021 09:55:57.792 * Synchronization with replica succeeded 1:M 06 Mar 2021 09:56:04.156 * Replica asks for synchronization 1:M 06 Mar 2021 09:56:04.156 * Partial resynchronization not accepted: Replication ID mismatch (Replica asked for 'f0542da5093ec0603f4896e0a84b06d1bd2642fc', my replication IDs are 'ba07b3e cd299c54b459d17343cdc67b0d9d3cc8a' and '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000') 1:M 06 Mar 2021 09:56:04.156 * Starting BGSAVE for SYNC with target: disk 1:M 06 Mar 2021 09:56:04.156 * Background saving started by pid 19 19:C 06 Mar 2021 09:56:04.225 * DB saved on disk 19:C 06 Mar 2021 09:56:04.226 * RDB: 0 MB of memory used by copy-on-write 1:M 06 Mar 2021 09:56:04.304 * Background saving terminated with success 1:M 06 Mar 2021 09:56:04.304 * Synchronization with replica succeeded
As we can see, the master Redis service started successfully and also we see that the other two Redis slave replicas were connected and synced with the master node.
We can check the Sentinel logs on the first node also:
node1# docker logs sentinel 1:X 06 Mar 2021 09:55:33.907 # oO0OoO0OoO0Oo Redis is starting oO0OoO0OoO0Oo 1:X 06 Mar 2021 09:55:33.907 # Redis version=6.2.0, bits=64, commit=00000000, modified=0, pid=1, just started 1:X 06 Mar 2021 09:55:33.907 # Configuration loaded 1:X 06 Mar 2021 09:55:33.909 * monotonic clock: POSIX clock_gettime 1:X 06 Mar 2021 09:55:33.910 * Running mode=sentinel, port=26379. 1:X 06 Mar 2021 09:55:34.208 # Sentinel ID is 4b409d62a030bdab6f78c039a5d54be49f02981c 1:X 06 Mar 2021 09:55:34.208 # +monitor master master1 6379 quorum 2 1:X 06 Mar 2021 09:56:01.529 * +sentinel sentinel 77afe8d103d5218f37f791fa2b2176c36e1c077c 26379 @ master1 6379 1:X 06 Mar 2021 09:56:04.373 * +slave slave 6379 @ master1 6379 1:X 06 Mar 2021 09:56:04.426 * +slave slave 6379 @ master1 6379 1:X 06 Mar 2021 09:56:07.785 * +sentinel sentinel e707cf1b630d018e7fb57aa1b2adc9fd67d64859 26379 @ master1 6379
There we can find information about which master node now active, information about the quorum of the two Sentinel that confirms the health and status of the master node, and also information about the two slave nodes.
At this stage, we have the working master-slave Redis cluster that covered with the HAProxy service as a load balancer and fails checks service. As we mentioned previously the HAPoxy will take care of checking and sending the requests to the Redis master only and will tracking which master now active. All the three HAProxy services have the same configuration and any of them can be used as a load balancer, if one of it will go down we can start using the next one. And for this purpose, we’ll add the Keepalived service, which will create a virtual floating IP address, that will be able to migrate between nodes of the cluster, if the HAProxy service or even all node will go offline. If this will happens, the virtual IP = will be taken by another Keepalived with the smaller priority and placed on his node network interface, so all requests will reach the HAProxy on that node and the cluster will keep working.
The Keepalived we will install as a system package, on all three nodes.
You can also use Docker image for it, but then you’ll need to take care and configure the systems on nodes in specific way. Also, if you use the cloud providers for this setup, you’ll need to use internal LB solution instead of Keepalived.
node1# apt-get update && apt install -y keepalived node2# apt-get update && apt install -y keepalived node3# apt-get update && apt install -y keepalived
Then create the Keppalived configuration on the first node, we’ll assign the floating virtual IP on that node by default, also this node will be the Redis master as you remember.
node1# vi /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf vrrp_script chk_haproxy { script "/bin/pidof haproxy" interval 1 } vrrp_instance VIP_1 { state MASTER interface eno1 virtual_router_id 101 priority 101 advert_int 1 authentication { auth_type PASS auth_pass some-password } virtual_ipaddress { } track_script { chk_haproxy } }
The interesting part of this config it’s the vrrp_script part, this is the script that we’ll use for checking the HAProxy service also paced on that node. If the HAProxy will go down in any cause, the Keepalived will migrate the virtual IP to the next node, and our cluster will continue handling requests continuously. In combination with configured checks of the Redis nodes in the HAProxy, we’ll get a very stable and fail tolerance configuration.
OK, the last thing we need to do, create a few Keepalived configs more.
node2# vi /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf vrrp_script chk_haproxy { script "/bin/pidof haproxy" interval 1 } vrrp_instance VIP_1 { state MASTER interface eno1 virtual_router_id 101 priority 100 advert_int 1 authentication { auth_type PASS auth_pass some-password } virtual_ipaddress { } track_script { chk_haproxy } }
And on the third node.
node3# vi /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf vrrp_script chk_haproxy { script "/bin/pidof haproxy" interval 1 } vrrp_instance VIP_1 { state MASTER interface eno1 virtual_router_id 101 priority 99 advert_int 1 authentication { auth_type PASS auth_pass some-password } virtual_ipaddress { } track_script { chk_haproxy } }
Now start the Keepalived service:
node1# systemctl enable keepalived systemctl start keepalived node2# systemctl enable keepalived systemctl start keepalived node3# systemctl enable keepalived systemctl start keepalived
Make sure that Keepalived services started OK, then you must find the virtual IP assigned to the main network interface of node1.
node1# ip a 2: eno1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP group default qlen 1000 link/ether 0b:n4:6s:7d:1b:0e brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff inet brd scope global eno1 valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever inet scope global eno1 valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
Finally, we just created the fail tolerance and high-available Redis installation, with the one master and two slave nodes. This setup will continue working even if you’ll totally lose the master node. The Sentinel service will take care and reconfigure one of the Redis slaves to become a master node, and the Keepalived+HAProxy will continue sending the requests on this new master with no data loss and other issues.
It’s time for a few tests of a new Redis setup, for this you can run a Redis CLI console on any node with docker, and put a few test key:values into the database:
laptop# docker run -it --rm redis redis-cli -a somepassword -h -p 6380> set key1 value1 OK
Now you can go to any of the Redis slaves and check that this key was also replicated on it.
laptop# docker run -it --rm redis redis-cli -a somepassword -h -p 6379> get key1 "value1"
Great, also this key will exist on the third node too, now let's check the stability of our cluster by stopping all Redis and Sentinel services on the master node.
Switch to node1 and stop the docker containers, but first, open the Redis CLI console to the cluster virtual IP from the laptop:
laptop# docker run -it --rm redis redis-cli -a somepassword -h -p 6380> info .. .. some redis info bla bla bla .. # Replication role:master connected_slaves:2 slave0:ip=,port=6379,state=online,offset=44055169,lag=1 slave1:ip=,port=6379,state=online,offset=44055029,lag=1 .. .. ...
And while the Redis CLI console open, go and stop all the needed docker containers on the node1:
node1:/opt/redis_ha/# docker-compose down docker-compose down Stopping haproxy ... done Stopping sentinel ... done Stopping redis ... done Removing haproxy ... done Removing sentinel ... done Removing redis ... done
It’s will stop and remove all docker containers from that node, and this means we just lose the Redis master node with the Sentinel and HAProxy services also.
If you’ll check the laptop, you’ll see that the Redis CLI console still open and working, this means the Keepalived and HAProxy on the other alive node started serving the cluster requests. The time of switching to another node was so small that our CLI was not disconnected at all.
Now we can check do we have our test key1 still available:> get key1 "value1"
Great, we don’t lose any data, but can we still can write into the cluster?> set key2 value2 OK
Yep, we still have a fully worked cluster, but now only with two nodes.
You can check the logs for the Redis and Sentinel containers on node2 and node3, and you’ll find that Santinel reconfigured one of the slave nodes into the master state. Also, you can find that the second slave node now using this new master for replication also. The virtual IP will be migrated to node2, as the HAProxy on node1 stopped.
I will save this article from unnecessary text and will skip this logs output here.
But what happens when our old Redis master will come back? Nothing terrible and all, the Sentinel will put this old master into the cluster as a new slave, so the cluster will continue working with the three nodes again.
Now let’s start the docker containers on the node1 again:
node1:/opt/redis_ha/# docker-compose up -d Creating redis Creating sentinel Creating haproxy
And then check the replication status on the previously opened Redis CLI console at the laptop:> info .. .. some redis info bla bla bla .. # Replication role:master connected_slaves:2 slave0:ip=,port=6379,state=online,offset=44263458,lag=0 slave1:ip=,port=6379,state=online,offset=44263458,lag=0 .....
That is, you can see that the Redis from node1 that was master previously, now added as a slave. Please reconnect to the Redis on node1 from the laptop and try to get the key2 that was added when this node was down.
laptop# docker run -it --rm redis redis-cli -a somepassword -h -p 6379> get key2 "value2"
This means the old master was fully replicated with the new master and now runs as a slave.
Finally, we got stable and fail tolerance Redis implementation with the master-slave setup. This cluster will work even when the Redis master node will go offline, or any other node from the cluster. The Keepalived+HAProxy will take care of the networking load balancing and providing with the stability of the connections with the master node in any situation.
You can run the other stress tests with any tools you like and check this.
For example, use the Locust software and this nice article:
Please mind that created configuration will provide you with stability and prevent data loss, but it’ll not provide any real load balancing, as you still have only one Redis master node at one time. This question and also the Redis multi-master clusters set up using the container orchestration tools will be described in the next part of the article.
To be continued…