H21 Safety December News
H21 Safety Limited
Whatever your Health and Safety or Training needs, we have the solution for you.
Christmas Safety Tips for SME's?
How often should Racking be Inspected??
The Health and Safety Executive recommends a thorough racking inspection takes place at least once every 12 months. As we get asked questions about racking on a regular basis we have created a guidance sheet for you, if you'd like a copy please dont hesitate to ask.
HSE Latest News - Cold Weather Working
Employers are being reminded of their responsibilities to keep workers safe through the cold winter months.
Great Britain’s workplace regulator, the Health and Safety Executive, is stressing the importance of protecting workers during the cold weather.
Latest Health and Safety Prosecutions:
Renowned cider manufacturer fined following grandad’s death
A cider manufacturer has been fined after a much-loved grandfather was killed on his 65th birthday.
Tommy Manns, from Dymock, Gloucestershire, was driving for H Weston and Sons Limited, the manufacturer of Henry Westons Cider, when he was killed by the end of a security barrier on 28 September 2020.?
H Weston and Sons Limited was fined £1.4 million on Thursday after the company was prosecuted by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE)
Quote of the month
Safety isn’t expensive, it’s priceless.