Charles Burris的更多文章
President Biden Should Open and Publish All Files and Records Under the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 19922021年10月6日
President Biden Should Open and Publish All Files and Records Under the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992
Western Suicide: Cause and Effect2018年6月17日
Western Suicide: Cause and Effect
Western Suicide: Cause and Effect, by Charles A. Burris
Who Rules America: Power Elite Analysis, the Deep State, and American History, by Charles Burris2018年1月21日
Who Rules America: Power Elite Analysis, the Deep State, and American History, by Charles Burris
Who Rules America: Power Elite Analysis, the Deep State, and American History, by Charles Burris
1 条评论 -
Deep State2017年7月20日
Deep State
Discover The Hidden Truth About Secret US Government Deep Underground Command Centers And Plans For Continuity Of…
The Nazi-Fascist Origins of the EU Superstate2017年7月17日
The Nazi-Fascist Origins of the EU Superstate
Now that the Brexit referendum has been accomplished, it is perhaps time to once again review the fascist roots of the…
3 条评论 -
The November 22, 1963 Coup d'état2017年6月29日
The November 22, 1963 Coup d'état
There is an ever-growing scholarly consensus among presidential historians, distinguished political analysts, and JFK…
Jacob G. Hornberger – “The National Security State: The Biggest Mistake in U.S. History”2017年6月28日
Jacob G. Hornberger – “The National Security State: The Biggest Mistake in U.S. History”
The Future of Freedom Foundation held its “The National Security State and JFK” conference which examined the nature…
James DiEugenio – “Vietnam Declassified: Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon”2017年6月28日
James DiEugenio – “Vietnam Declassified: Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon”
The Future of Freedom Foundation held its “The National Security State and JFK” conference which examined the nature…
Oliver Stone with James DiEugenio – “If JFK Were Alive Today”2017年6月28日
Oliver Stone with James DiEugenio – “If JFK Were Alive Today”
The Future of Freedom Foundation held its “The National Security State and JFK”conference which examined the nature…
Ron Paul – “Enemies: Foreign and Domestic”2017年6月28日
Ron Paul – “Enemies: Foreign and Domestic”
The Future of Freedom Foundation held its “The National Security State and JFK” conference which examined the nature…
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