H?fni starfsmanna árie 2025
English version below
Tae hafa allir heyrt um fjóreu iebyltinguna, tetta sem alltaf er verie ae tala um en f?rri vita nákv?mlega hvae hún gengur út á annae en hún leieir af sér meiri sjálfvirkni tannig ae sum st?rf hverfa á meean ?nnur st?rf verea til. En hvae vereur um mig í tessu ?llu saman? Hvernig á ég ae lifa af og get ég gert eitthvae til ae komast sterkari út úr tessum hvirfilvindi g?tu einhverjir spurt sig. ég rakst á áhugaverean lista um daginn, lista yfir f?rni starfsmanna árie 2025. Listinn er svona
- Beita nysk?pun og vera greinandi á upplysingar
- Vera alltaf ae l?ra eitthvae nytt
- Hafa getu til ae leysa flókin vandamál
- Hafa gagnryna og greinandi hugsun
- Vera skapandi, syna frumleika og frumkv?ei
- Hafa leietogah?fni og félagsleg áhrif
- Nyta t?knina og hafa skoeun á henni
- T?knih?nnun og forritun
- Seigla, sveigjanleiki og hafa gott streitutol
- Frjór hugsunarháttur, geta r?kstutt og leyst vandamál
Ekkert á tessum lista hefur mee aldur, kyn eea ákveein sérfr?eist?rf ae gera. Allt er tetta h?fni sem fólk geta tileinkae sér, hven?r sem er en ekkert ae tessu kemur upp í hendurnar á okkur án tess ae vie reynum pínulítie á okkur. Tae er eelilegt ae hr?east breytingar en í breytingum felast oft mestu og bestu t?kif?rin okkar. Ef vie f?gnum teim og t?kum á móti mee opnum hug tá getum vie haft áhrif á t?r breytingar sem verea í kringum okkur og l?rt eitthvae nytt í leieinni. En tae tyeir samt ekki ae vie eigum ae taka ?llu sem sannleika heldur turfum vie ae viehafa gagnryna hugsun, greina vel t?r upplysingar sem vie fáum úr ymsum áttum og raeae saman á tann hátt ae vie getum leyst tae verkefni sem er fyrir framan okkur. Tae hefur verie sagt um okkur íslendinga ae vie st?ndum okkur best tegar vie erum í krísu, ákveein seigla og trautseigja er í v?evaminni okkar eftir str?ggl forfeeranna en tetta er h?fni sem skiptir miklu máli í nútímanum ekkert síeur en hér áeur fyrr. Hraeinn í samfélaginu eykst mee hverju árinu og allt á ae leysast á styttri tíma, mee minni mannafla og á ódyrari hátt og ef vie reynum ekki ae ná ákveenu jafnv?gi, finna m?rkin milli vinnu og einkalífs og anda inn og út á milli átakanna tá gengur tetta ekki upp til lengdar. Tess vegna skiptir máli ae vie séum sveiganleg á sama tíma og vie náum auknu streitutoli, eflum skapandi hugsun og nytum tá t?kni sem vie h?fum til ae komast enn lengra mee nyjar hugmyndir. Samkv?mt mínu tímatali er 2025 eftir rúm 3 ár, best ae fara skipuleggja hvernig ég á ae ná tessu ?llu saman fyrir tann tíma :-)
Top Skills the world needs by 2025
Everybody knows about the fourth revolution, which is always being talked about, but few know exactly what it means, but it results in more automation, some jobs disappear while other jobs are created. But what will happen to me in all of this? How can I survive and can i do something to get stronger out of this whirlwind, some might ask. I came across an interesting list the other day, a list of top skills the world needs in 2025. The list goes like this:
- Analytical Thinking & Innovation
- Having an Active Learning Strategy
- Complex Problem Solving
- Critical Thinking and Analysis
- Creativity, Orginality & Initiative
- Leadership & Social Influence
- Technology Use, Monitoring and Control
- Technology Design & Programming
- Resilience, Stress Tolerence & Flexibility
- Reasoning, Promblem solving and Ideation
Nothing on this list has to do with age, gender or specific specialist jobs. These are all skills that people can reach at any time, but none of this gets into our hands without us trying a little. It is natural to be afraid of change, but change often involves the greatest and best opportunities. If we welcome them and receive them with an open mind, we can influence the changes that take place around us and learn something new along the way. However, this does not mean that we should take everything as truth, but that we need to think critically, analyze the information we receive from various sources and arrange it in such a way that we can solve the task ahead of us. It has been said about us Icelanders that we do best when we are in crisis, there is a certain resilience and perseverance in our muscle memory after the struggles of our ancestors, but this is a skill that is as important in modern times as it is here before. The pace of society increases with each passing year and everything has to be resolved in a shorter time, with less manpower and in a cheaper way, and if we do not try to achieve a certain balance, find the boundary between work and private life and breathe in and out between combats, this does not work out in the long run. Therefore, it is important that we are flexible at the same time as we gain more stress resistance, strengthen creative thinking and use the technology we have to go even further with new ideas. According to my calendar, 2025 is just 3 years away, it's best to start planning how I can achieve all this before that time :-)
Finance Specialist at VR
3 年áhugavere p?ling - nú vereur streitan ae búa til to-do lista svo ae maeur nái m?gulega einhverju af tessu ??