Gynecomastia or Male Breast Reduction: What You Need to Know
While most people may associate breast surgery with breast augmentation, breast reduction surgery is becoming increasingly popular. This operation is being requested by an increasing number of women as well as men in order to solve symptoms and daily challenges associated with larger breasts. Breast reduction in males is the procedure of choice to reduce the extra breast tissue in men due to hormonal imbalances. The majority of men who want breast reduction surgery are concerned that the excess breast tissue gives them a feminine look and they wish to change that. Whether you are male or female, breast reduction surgery is a procedure for everyone.
What is Gynecomastia or Male Breast Reduction?
Gynecomastia is a condition associated with breast enlargement in males due to various reasons including hormonal imbalances, medicines, or genetics. Gynecomastia surgery removes extra fat and troublesome glandular tissue from the chest and can also make the areolas and breasts smaller. The surgery's purpose is to make the chest flatter, firmer, and more masculine.
Why Should Men Consider Male Breast Reduction?
When you investigate the idea of undergoing male breast reduction surgery, you can alleviate the anxiety that comes from having enlarged breasts as a man. Male breast reduction is not deemed medically necessary but when a patient believes that the look of their chest is more bothersome than the recovery process following surgery, male breast reduction is usually a credible option.
Two Approaches to Gynecomastia
Male breast reduction can be accomplished in two ways. The first includes surgical removal and liposuction to remove extra glandular tissue and fat. The second method involves the removal of glandular tissue and fat, as well as the removal of extra skin and the lifting of the leftover skin. Your surgeon will assess which approach is best for you during your consultation.
What Should You Know About the Surgery?
You should research well and be fully informed of the processes involved in the procedure itself, anesthesia used in the surgery, and complications and risks associated with the surgery.
Are You a Good Candidate?
Male breast reduction surgery is a good option for men who are healthy, don't have any serious medical conditions and their gynecomastia isn't caused by a hormonal imbalance. For hormonal imbalance gynecomastia, medical therapy is the first-line option.?
What is the Duration of the Procedure?
Gynecomastia surgery usually takes 90 minutes or longer to complete and is done under general anesthetic. The procedure for gynecomastia surgery differs based on the client's demands. Liposuction can be carried out to reduce the amount of fat in the breast if there is a lot of it. This may be sufficient to repair the malformation in certain cases.
What Complications Could Arise after the Surgery?
Breast reduction surgery can potentially result in complications such as:
To aid with wound healing, you will be asked to wear an article of elastic clothing. This may assist in the management of swelling and bruising, which are common after many surgical procedures. To minimize pain, discomfort, and further possible complications, any intense activity should be discontinued during the healing process. You will be provided with pain medicine and should be able to return to work within three to five days.
How Should You Prepare for Male Breast Reduction?
While breast tissue reduction will be the primary goal, you may choose to address other concerns during surgery as well. Excess skin removal, relocating the nipple, and lowering the size of the areolas and nipples are all common concerns.
Choose Your Plastic Surgeon
It is critical to choose a board-certified plastic surgeon while planning for gynecomastia surgery. To narrow down your possibilities, research well, seek recommendations and opt for a surgeon who:
Specializes in male breast reduction procedures. Keep in mind that, while breast reduction is more common in women, the procedure is not the same as it is for men. Look for cosmetic surgeons that can also redesign the chest to make it more masculine.
Be honest with your healthcare provider about any concerns you have about your breast size. This can help identify the cause. Medicine changes and disease treatments may be helpful if a medication or disease is causing the problem. Swollen breast tissue usually shrinks over time. Talking with a mental health professional may help if you're feeling anxious about your appearance.