The Gym Beginner
What’s one thing that can almost guarantee you to get better in all areas of fitness? Take a second to think… Say you want to run a marathon, you also want to be strong enough to lift your boxes for that move coming, you want to lose 20lb and you also want some mobility so you can move around with your kids.
Well, I got news for you, running all by itself ain’t gonna cut it. You know what will? Strength training. Any new client of mine gets the same piece of information told to them that changes their outlook on the gym: start with strength. Why strength you ask? Great question!
I’d love to tell you why: Say you decide to start running. Great! I’m so happy you’re making movement apart of your life. But think about this for a second- you’re six months into running. You can run a 10-minute mile with some decent stamina. If you needed to pick up a 100lb box, are you certain you can lift that? Or reach down without being tight? Nope. The same thing goes for flexibility/yoga/mobility. If you took any of those on for six months, can you be certain that you can run any faster? Pick up that 100lb box? Jump higher? Nope again!
Now take strength. If I teach you how to squat to depth, deadlift (pick up) a barbell and bench, I can guarantee you’ll have more stamina, run faster and be more mobile. Why? You’re practicing getting into a deep range of motion with the squat (mobility), you’re picking up and pushing heavy weight (strength) and by your muscles getting bigger, you’ve got the chance to outrun the competition (If you wanna argue that dm me). So, if you want the most time-efficient, all-around bang-for-your-buck workout, start with strength. Health, fitness, business. Keep going.