GX-55: 2D blade trim calibration on a grader
nVolve Solutions
Authorised Topcon distributors | Machine Control and Surveying Solutions
Issue: Slope not?matching
The moldboard's cutting edge, bolted along the bottom of the moldboard and along the sides, should be straight or true. Rock and soil will eventually wear down the center of a cutting edge, causing it to?cup. As the cutting edge on your grader wears, the Topcon slope sensors?will require a calibration in order to maintain slope?accuracy.
It's inevitable;?eventually,?a cutting edge will need to be replaced. However, it is important to?keep?your blade calibration current and?accurate.
An operator says,?"I cut a 2% going one way, then turned around, and the blade is under cutting or leaving grade?fat."
This issue is almost always associated with a calibration issue and can typically be rectified using the blade trim?function.
On the control box, press?the Topcon logo. Go to?Control > Blade calibration > Blade?trim.
Enter in a slope value using the arrows or by pressing in the white area and using the?calculator.
Choose a slope percentage which will allow you to move some material?across the entire width of the?moldboard.
Follow instructions on the screen: "Make a smooth pass with right?side in auto," controlling the opposite side by?hand. Once you are satisfied you have a good smooth pass, press?Next.
Turn the machine around, grading over the first pass. Your slope will now be falling in the opposite direction of the first?pass.
Slowly make a pass over the previously graded area, and ensure the entire machine is set within the cut?grade.
Stop the machine, and slowly lower your non auto (left) side by hand until it touches the?grade.
With the arrow buttons, raise?or lower?to allow?for the automatic side of the moldboard to match?grade. Once you have made any necessary adjustments, press?Next.
The last screen will show you the total adjustment?which was made to the slope sensor.?Press?Finish?prior to moving the machine?forward.
Note:?You may notice the blade either raise or lower a slight bit after pressing Finish. This is because this calibration process will take out half of the slope error due to cutting edge?wear.
If your slope adjustment was out a significant amount, you may need to perform this calibration?again.