GWU Protesters… “Off With Their Heads”— Lessons of  GREAT TERROR 1794 France ….Napoleon – when Democracy Cannot Maintain Law & Order

GWU Protesters… “Off With Their Heads”— Lessons of GREAT TERROR 1794 France ….Napoleon – when Democracy Cannot Maintain Law & Order

There are only two parties in France: the people and its enemies.

?We must exterminate those miserable villains who are eternally conspiring against the rights of man...

We must exterminate all our enemies

?????????????????????????????????????????????????????Maximilien Robespierre


On May 7, 1794, Maximilien Robespierre, President of the National Convention spoke at the Tuileries Palace addressing the Nature of Virtue & Terror


Now, in these circumstances, the first maxim of our politics ought to be to lead the people by means of reason and the enemies of the people by terror…

The basis of popular government in time of revolution is both virtue and terror.

Terror without virtue is murderous, virtue without terror is powerless.

Terror is nothing else than swift, severe, indomitable justice – it flows, then, from virtue.”


In a little more than two months in July 1794 Robespierre would find himself on the wrong side of the guillotine blade

A victim of his own Virtue & Terror but not before a reign of death and destruction that led thousands to the guillotine which include Louis XVI and his wife Queen Maria Antoinette

If we follow the course of events of the French Revolution, we observe this slow yet steady denigration from noble concepts of Liberty, Brotherhood & Equality into to lawless madness

Within five years Napoleon whose foreign military victories and defeating the Royalist Coup d’état begins him much accord with the National Convention Directory Leadership as the sole individual that could stabilizes the lawless terror of the French State

He is elected as one of three Consulates of the Republic

Within three years Napoleon is elected as Consul for Life and begins his reign as supreme leader

What is notable of the entire transformation is how the lofty concepts of the National Estates of 1789 in a little more than ten years becomes the basis of a dictatorship with Emperor Napoleon for the next dozen years.

No better Case Study of Realpolitik can be given where Virtue Signaling of a Conceited Elite (our current Progressive Left) somehow goes off the rails.

Where this virtuous impetus of Free Speech and Liberty becomes the basis of civil discord, lawlessness that cannot be controlled.

The Leadership Class who becomes so terrorized by the potential loss of their privilege and power remains silent as the situation slow erodes to a state of affairs where the common people demand and support the assumption and then imposition of a Supreme Leader

…..and at first the temporary Suspension of Constitutional Rights all in the name of bringing society back into the harmony of peace and stability.

France’s example is repeated in the proceeding two centuries in Russia, Germany, China, Iran to name but a few.

There remains a most delicate balance in the Crucible of Democracy

Joe Biden demagogues that the MAGA Republicans are the Great Threat to American Democracy

..when Chaos and Instability may be the correct answer

….as Team Biden, Progressive WDC Power Base, DOJ, FBI, Activists Judiciary funded by Dark Money Plutocrats are playing a dangerous game

Cicero said it best when he stated:

Public Safety is the Highest Law

In fact, even higher than Free Speech as without Public Safety no one’s Rights can be guaranteed


Now one must openly question (in light of) this Campus Caliphate at George Washington University where there are Public Pronouncements for murder, executions and terror against the College Administration

…those lawful and duly empowered governance that provide order along with the normal and ordinary functioning of their Corporate Entity protected by the both Federal and State Law.

It all leads me back to my consistent premise of the failed Leadership Class in America

Where is the United States Attorney General Merrick Garland ? he so busy persecuting Charismatic Catholics saying their Novenas or looking under each bed for the remnants of MAGA Insurrections

Where is the Obama Career Appointed DOJ, FBI, CIA Infrastructure ?

…silently invisible as it is directed by the West Wing

Where is the WDC / Beltway Elites including the American Media?

…all waiting for someone else to stand up and to lead forward.


What should trouble all these people to their core is when a majority of the citizens no longer believe that we can rely on these Rule of Law Entities to protect our Life, Liberty, Property and Families.

? I tell my neighbors all the time

We can escape all the madness in our small rural towns.

..on our well-manicured beautiful street

……with its Plethora of Lights and Cameras

…our Rambo Stocked Arsenals – Locked & Loaded ….Good to Go

….our Resolve--? Shoot First and Ask Questions much much later


This has already provided us with the measure of security that we currently possess as these forces of disruption know the Frontier Justice in places like this where there is No Virtue Signaling Elite to advance their criminal intentions.


Isolating ourselves from the underlying problem only is delaying the ultimate results

One wonders how these other societies willingly accepted authoritarian governance by a sole ruler?

The answer takes us back to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Pyramid where Security is the primary level required to empower everything else.


Team Biden et al. need to be telegraphed this message

That for good, hardworking citizens, that pay their taxes and bills, enjoy their friends, neighbors and communities, worship at their place of reverence and live a life of peace and repentance.

How the Leadership Class governs the Nation is not significantly important as long as we can consistently progress in the quality of life and the future prosperity of our children/grandchildren


Our Current Leadership Class is like the Robespierre Cult of Terror that has diminished their stature, importance, necessity and utility.

Team Biden’s inaction renders them as totally useless. ?

As Justice is no longer blindly enforced but is selectively administered

Under those circumstances it is the same fugit product as it would be under an authoritarian government ?

Team Biden while pronouncing and patting themselves on the back as the Defenders of Democracy

…… in the poor manner they have dealt with these Campus Caliphates has severely weaken their perception to govern

When murder is openly threaten to the detriment of innocent people then the Virtue Signaling of officials like Team Biden in nothing more than the Great Terror of 2024


So, here’s a Heads Up


More than Trump, MAGA GOP, Charismatic Catholics praying the Novena

…then should worry about people like us that are the quiet effective gears that interdependently make everything work smoothly


For more than losing confidence in just Team Biden et. al. ?

…we begin to ponder just as many other societies that longed-for Law & Order is there a better solution to protect our fellow citizens from open threats of murder as our Leadership Class prattles awaiting the next catastrophic event to happen

…..History tells us what the people desire after such leadership failure



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