Gutting It Out: How to Keep Moving When You’d Rather Quit
Sometimes, writing a piece like this is more of a pep talk to myself than a wisdom drop. The new year often starts with a bang—a frenzy of resolutions, big goals, and helping others kick off theirs. The post-holiday burst of tasks, while productive, can feel like a treadmill that never stops.
While I'm grateful not to be facing massive hurdles, the grind of daily life wears us all down. Between sniffles from loved ones, back-to-back meetings, and those ever-persistent Microsoft updates, the exhaustion creeps in. Some days, the only strategy is simple: gut it out.
Here are three mantras I’m leaning on today—right now, in fact—as I ignore the temptation to shut my laptop and crawl back to bed:
1. Vacuum the Truck
This gem comes from a Bigger Pockets podcast episode with Bryce Stewart (Episode 276, for the curious). Bryce was overwhelmed trying to sell his truck but broke the task into the next simplest step: “vacuum the truck.” It’s a powerful reminder. When overwhelm strikes, focus on the smallest actionable step. Whether it’s clearing one email, updating a single line in a document, or just tidying up your desk, bite-sized progress adds up.
2. Ritual Matters
When motivation falters, routine takes the wheel. For me, a quick 10-minute workout (hello, heart rate Zone 2!) beats coffee for focus—and without the jittery side effects. A few small wins like a Duolingo streak, a quick journal entry, or a guided meditation can kickstart momentum. Rituals create structure, and structure steadies the ship.
3. Embrace the Suck
At the end of the day, there’s no way around it: some things just suck. Ryan Holiday calls this principle “The Obstacle Is the Way,” and the U.S. military nails it with “Embrace the Suck.” You can’t hack, trick, or shortcut your way out of certain tasks. Sometimes, it’s about grit—showing up, digging deep, and getting it done.
This post is my letter to myself—a reminder that success isn’t built on flashes of brilliance but on consistent effort. Whether it’s an early workout, slogging through a LinkedIn article, or tweaking SOPs after a long day, the grind pays off. Keep gutting it out, success is won through consistency!?
Will MacFee is the CEO of Systems Support in Marshfield, MA.