Guru-Bhava-Phala 01/12: Guru in Lagna Bhava

Guru-Bhava-Phala 01/12: Guru in Lagna Bhava

Jupiter in Lagna is an excellent placement. One with Jupiter in Lagna is shielded from all misfortunes.

bh?gu sūtra: Own sign: linguist, authority in scriptures (1); Knowledgeable in 3 Vedas, many sons (children), contented, long life, followed by people (2); Exalted: full manifestation of results (3); Maharaja yoga in the 16th year (4); In inimical sign, debilitation, malefic sign, conjoined with malefics: sinful deeds (5); Fickle minded, middling longevity, devoid of sons (children), denounce all kinsmen, lack gratitude, egoistic, hatred towards people, wandering nature, suffer troubles and anxiety (6)
Saravali 30.50. If Jupiter occupies the 1st, the native will be attractive in appearance, energetic, long-lived, will act after assessing consequences, be learned, courageous and great.

1. My Understanding

  1. Lagna is the seat of Intelligence and Guru is the Karaka for intelligence and good Memory. The two important Grahas for the Lagna are (1) Mars who is the Lagna lord of Naisargika Kundali, (2) Sun is the primary Bhava Karaka. Jupiter is a natural friend of both Mars and the Sun. Jupiter's placement in the Lagna gives good health and vitality, keen intellect, scholarship and wisdom.
  2. Jupiter is incredibly strong in the Lagna Bhava as it attains Dikbala here. Another Graha which attains Dikbala in the Lagna is Mercury.
  3. This is a win-win situation as both the Bhava and the Graha significations gain from each other from this association.
  4. Lagna signifies Body (deha?), appearance (rūpa?), wisdom (j?āna?), complexion (var?a?) , strength and weakness (balābalam), happiness (sukha?) and nature (svabhāva). All these significations are strengthened by Guru's placement in Lagna in Dikbala.
  5. The key significations of Guru are intelligence (prgna), wisdom (gnana), wealth, nourishment and children (Jataka Parijata 2.49-50). These are strengthened due to placement of Guru in the most favorable Bhava. The growth and prosperity of these significations are highest when Guru is placed in own sign, exaltation or friendly signs (all signs excluding that of Saturn and Venus).
  6. Guru governs language, grammar, scriptures etc. Guru in the Lagna can give inclination to lean many languages, understand the nuances of grammar and huge memory to memorize the scriptures.
  7. The good qualities are best manifested when Guru is its own sign, exaltation or friendly signs.
  8. Guru is the karaka for all happiness that people wish to get in life. A well placed Guru in the Lagna protects the native from all dangers, gives good food, a pleasurable and comfortable life and royal fortune.
  9. The natural age of maturity of Guru is 16th year, hence the native is rewarded significantly with good fortune, wealth, authority, fame, status etc. in the 16th year. This is especially true if Guru has some connection with the 9th house.
  10. Affliction of Guru in the Lagna causes the mind to be diverted into a reverse direction: sinful deeds (not righteous); fickle minded (lack stability), middling longevity, devoid of sons (children), denounce all kinsmen, lack gratitude, egoistic, hatred towards people, wandering nature, suffer troubles and anxiety. Guru is the epitome of intelligence and it should not get corrupted, else the intellect can be used for all the wrong reasons. Afflicted Guru can also indicate religious bigotry.
  11. Attractive in appearance: Strong benefics in the Lagna gives a well formed and well proportioned physique.
  12. Energetic: Sattva Guna Graha gives highest energy to pursue one's objective in life against all odds. The result is best for Lagna or Lagna lord in movable Rasi and/ or Navamsa. Movable sign represent the passion and drive to move ahead.
  13. Long lived: Lagna is one of the 3 important houses of longevity, lagna, 8H and 10H. Strong benefics in Lagna gives a body free from diseases and that is well nourished. Thus, this increases the lifespan.
  14. Act after assessing consequences: Guru is the karaka for wisdom. When in Lagna, it gives stable mind which assesses the pros and cons carefully before taking any steps. Usually their actions are not hasty.
  15. Learned: Guru is the Karaka for both learning (5H) and teaching (9H, 2H). Hence people with Guru in Lagna are always surrounded by matters of learning and teaching. They can speak on a wide range of topics.
  16. Courageous: Guru in Lagna gives a strong and determined mind, which does not get nervous and afraid under great duress. They have the ability to face all odds in life with perfect mental balance.
  17. Great: They will have a large fan following due to their outstanding knowledge. They will be respected by both people and the influential class (King or ministers or govt.).

2. Results from various Jyotish Classics

  1. Varahamihira: Vidvan.
  2. Chamatkara Chintamani: Devapujya, suveshi, sukhi, divyadeha, alpavirya, gatirbhavini, paraloki, sambalena vyayam brajanti.
  3. Jivanatha: Honored by people, contented, good appearance, enjoy many pleasures, attain Vishnu loka at the end.
  4. Mantresvar: Pleasant appearance, righteous deeds, long-lived, fearless, endowed with happiness from children.
  5. Jayadeva: Scholar, honored by the king, generous, endowed with happiness from wife and children.
  6. Kashinatha: Good natured, pragalbha (?), pleasant appearance, honored by the king, devoid of illness, gnani, gentleman.
  7. Vaidyanatha: Long life, clean heart, gnani, wealthy, pleasant appearance.
  8. Dhundhiraja: Scholar, honoured by the king, full of gratitude, highly generous, well proportioned physique.
  9. Mansagar: Endowed with good clothes and ornaments, endowed with many kind of precious metals and gems, good appearance, liked by the king.
  10. Parashara: Long life, wealthy, liked by the king, long-lived children.
  11. Vashistha: Contented, full of splendor, full of fear (?).
  12. Garga: Poet, singer, handsome, pure hearted, generous, endowed with many good food, honoured by the king, contented, devoted to gods, wealthy. If in Lagna, Kendra or Trikona and placed in own or exaltation sign, the native is protected from all danger; the complexion is fair, suffer from vata and sleshma diseases; happiness in childhood, misery due to slanders, painful for enemies, honored by the king and wealthy.
  13. Jataka Kalanidhi: Suffer pain due to aspect of krura grahas, which Guru ends immediately, stable nature, appear older than his real age, respected by all.
  14. Vrhad Yavana Jataka: Scholar, liked by the king, intelligent, full of gratitude, highly generous, well formed physique, strong, beget children in 8th year (how is this possible?).
  15. Jagesvar: Respected by people, endowed with various kind of tasty and nutritious food, strongly built physique but tender, attractive appearance, keep thoughts within own mind.
  16. Punjaraj: Fond of sweets, well wisher for all, truthful, honest and sweet speech.
  17. Narayan: In signs other than its debility sign, kingly, wealthy.
  18. Harivamsha: Valorous like a King, scholar, endowed with vehicles and pleasures, persevering, intelligent, influential, born in a known lineage, virtuous, talented, free from enmity, fair complexioned, pleasant appearance, endowed with a good natured wife, long-life, free from ill-health.
  19. Tattva Pradeep Jataka: All grahas destroy good results when they are debilitated, even if exalted when placed in 6-8-12, even then all auspicious results are destroyed. Guru destroyes the results of own placement, however, whichever sign Guru aspects, that sign prospers. Wherever Saturn is placed, that place prospers, good results are accrued; however, Saturn's aspect is highly dangerous; wherever the aspect falls, all the good results are destroyed.

Note: The Sanskrit verses are translated by myself to extract the equivalent words in English.

3. Additional notes

3.1. General results:

  1. Well proportioned physique, pleasant appearance, long life, wise personality
  2. Although Jupiter is auspicious in Lagna, native faces many tests in life depending on how much he can withstand. Those who can take more are given more challenges. Guru is the great teacher and he poses challenges for the native to face and learn in life.
  3. Good health, protection from health troubles and danger
  4. Virtuous and talented (sarva-guna-sampanna)
  5. Not good for professions that are ruled by Mars (army, police) or Saturn (taxation). Good for teaching and training professions (ruled by Jupiter)
  6. May suffer loss of one of the parents in childhood
  7. Usually two marriages, or no marriage
  8. When not afflicted: Big forehead, joyful nature, communicate with a peculiarly expression that attracts attention.

3.2. Under malefic influences: Inauspicious results

  • Inauspicious results in Venusian and Mercurial signs: Many challenges in life.
  • Placement in Cancer or conjunction with Moon in lagna: Many difficulties challenges in life.
  • Malefic association with Mars or Venus: Evil natured, sinful, danger and misfortune (Mars), illicit relationships (Venus)
  • Wealth: Jupiter gives low or mediocre wealth in Venusian signs as well as Virgo. In other signs, it gives ample wealth.

3.3. Modification of Results due to Bhava ownership of Guru:

  1. For different Lagnas, Guru becomes the lord of various Bhavas. When it becomes the lord of a Susthana (Kendra, Kona), all the positive results of Guru-Lagna yoga will be felt in totality.
  2. When Guru becomes the lord of a Dusthana and placed in the Lagna, the Dusthana effects will not be that grave as Guru protects from all Arista (danger). It can however, influence the Svabhava (nature) of the native.
  3. Being Lagna lord: Intelligent, fickle-mindedness, two wives (especially for Meena Lagna)
  4. Being 2nd lord: Endowed with sons and wealth, inimical to family, lustful, subservient
  5. Being 3rd lord: Self-made wealth, religious, fearless, intelligent, talented.
  6. Being 4th lord: Learned, talented, endowed with ornaments, lands, conveyances and happiness from mother and her family.
  7. Being 5th lord: Scholarly, happiness from children, miser, crooked, steal others’ wealth
  8. Being 6th lord: Famous, inimical to kinsmen, rich, honorable, courageous, talented.
  9. Being 7th lord: Skillful, impatient, suffer from vata (and kapha) diseases
  10. Being 8th lord: Hostility towards gods, brahmins and the scholars (only for Taurus Lagna)
  11. Being 9th lord: Highly fortunate and talented, charming, learned, honored by the public (celebrity) and, honored by the king (receive high civilian awards from the govt.)
  12. Being 10th lord: Scholarly, famous, poetic, diseases in childhood (usually till 10 years of age), good health later (after 10 years), increase of wealth and prosperity with time.
  13. Being 11th lord: Pure-hearted, genuine, wealthy, contented, balanced views, poetic, highly capable author, highly eloquent, gainful in undertakings
  14. Being 12th lord: Weak constitution, phlegm disorders, Spendthrift, lose wealth, learning is of no use (only for Makara Lagna).

3.4 Jupiter in its exaltation or debilitation signs or Virgo makes the native a eat excessively who does not know when, where and how to stop.

3.5. Agni Guru: Guru in Agni Rasis:

  • Auspicious results
  • Generous nature, charitable, philanthropic, persevering
  • Somewhat conceited
  • Appear highly educated even if not so educated
  • Success and fame in professions pertaining to training, teaching, judge, singing, poetry etc.
  • Ar, Le: Childbirth in middle age
  • Sg: No children

3.6. Prthvi Guru: Guru in earthy signs:

  • Selfish, conceited
  • Success and fame in the area of healers, ayurvedic and naturopathy practitioners, lawyers
  • Ta, Vi: Devoid of material happiness, stubborn, selfish, egoistic
  • Cp: Fond of music, singing, theater, acting, reading etc.

3.7. Vayu Guru: Jupiter in Airy signs:

  • Keen sense of justice, unbiased, unprejudiced
  • Helping nature, free from worries and financial troubles,
  • Endowed with love and affection for all (Aquarius is also included to this list)
  • Ge, Li: Fair complexion, good health
  • Ge: Misery in early part of life, happiness in later part

3.8. Jala Guru: Jupiter in watery signs:

  • Free from anxiety
  • Abundant wealth
  • Success and fame for doctors
  • Pi: Broad world view, linguist, author, novelist

3.9. Guru in some specific signs:

  • Ta, Li (Ve signs): Lustful, but secretive in sexual habits- hardly known to the outside world, joyful nature, peculiar way of interacting with others
  • Cp, Aq (Sa signs): Show sentiments on undeserving matters, false ego, endowed with either one of children and wealth
  • Sg, Pi (Ju signs): Contented but face difficulties (usually financial difficulties in every 6th year i.e., 6-12-18, protection from all danger and misfortune etc.



  1. Bhrigu, Maharishi. Bhrigu Sutra (Sanskrit). Self translation.
  2. Santhanam. R. Saravali of Kalyanavarma vol. I and II (Trans.). New Delhi, India: Ranjan Publications, 1983
  3. Sharma, Brajbiharilal. Sri Bhattanarayana Krita Chamatkar Chintamani (Hindi). 1st ed. New Delhi, India: Motilal Banarsidass., 2001
  4. Shastri, Satyavir. Kundali Darpan (Hindi). Delhi, India: Ankur Publications., 1993.
  5. Katwe, HaNamantasa Nemasa. Guru Vichara (Hindi). 3rd ed. Nagpur, India: Nagpur Prakashan., 2002
  6. Santhanam. R. Brhat Parashari Hora Shastra of Maharishi Parashara Vol I and II. New Delhi, India: Ranjan Publications, 2008
  7. Trivedi, Pt. Ramprakash. Falit Jyotish Ke Rahasya (Hindi). New Delhi, India: Diamond Pocket Books Pte Ltd., 2009


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