Gunpowder, treason and... shots!

Gunpowder, treason and... shots!

"Remember, remember the fifth of November..." the rhymes goes - well we think Bonfire night is one of the most underrated party nights of the year and it can be hard to remember with a hangover!

Unless that is, you went to the Alexandra Palace and Park Fireworks Festival - which was, as always, UNFORGETTABLE!

It hasn't been crowned the UK’s best bonfire display?by Time Out Magazine and the The Daily Telegraph for nothing! It's annual extravaganza of food, fun and of course fireworks, was as dazzling as ever - (they have been at it since 1873 so have had over 150 years to perfect it!)

If you didn't make it this year - pencil in the first weekend in November 2025, and make sure you book your tickets next year!

If you are planning a more low-key celebration and just want to get a few beers in, we can recommend 'Guy Fawkes Brown Ale' from The Black Abbey Brewing Company . A perfect match for the occasion, a rich, flame-coloured brew that pairs malty depth with a hint of smokiness, as if brewed to mirror the Bonfire itself.

Guy and his fellow plotters famously bought 36 barrels of gunpowder to stash under the Houses of Parliament. We can't help but wonder what would have happened if he'd bought 36 barrels of beer instead? Maybe the plotters, too merry to remember why they were there in the first place, would've just had a party! 5 November might have ended up as nothing more than history's biggest in da house knees up!

If beer isn't your thing, why not try a shot of something stronger in one of the fireworks inspired cocktails from Lockett Bros . They've got The Sparkler, Fire Cracker & Roman Candle so are sure to have something for everyone!

We all know Bonfire Night is supposed to be about remembering the failed assassination attempt, but it is all about the fireworks these days if we're honest; and as it wouldn't be Pints AND Patents without some patent related trivia, we had a look for fireworks related patents rather than looking for a 'PORTABLE BONFIRE APPARATUS' (which is a real patent application, believe it or not: US2018058686).

We wanted to find an application relating to fireworks that captured some of the excitement, and we did it - Disney Enterprise had a patent titled: "PRECISION FIREWORKS DISPLAY SYSTEM HAVING A DECREASED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT" US5339741 with an amazing (if not optimistic) figure 1.

Editors note - as I'm writing this one of my children has spotted the image over my shoulder and asked: "Why are the spiders shooting into the air?"

Now he's has pointed out the similarity, I can't unsee it! So I've written a new Bonfire night poem, I think it'll catch on:

Remember, remember, the fifth of November, when spiders get shot into space!

With eight legs a-blazing, they’re truly amazing, exploding all over the place!

Happy Guy Fawkes Night everyone! Stay safe and enjoy your fireworks!


