Guk, Yuk, dan Duta Anti Narkoba STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo

Guk, Yuk, dan Duta Anti Narkoba STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo

Last Friday, I experienced one of the most outstanding moments of mine. It was an experience in participating the annual event of my beloved campus; STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo. The event was held every year to commemorate R.A. Kartini's Day. The event is called Guk, Yuk, dan Duta Anti Narkoba STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo. The nuance, the atmosphere, and the spirit were incredibly beautiful. Meeting a lot of great fellows, great lecturers, and great committees were an amazing moment.

Furthermore, one thing that successfully got me in speechless is the wonderful opportunity and wonderful belief in which I am crowned as the 1st Winner of Man Category or Guk STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo. It was an amazing moment of mine. It was a happiness in a lifetime because it was not only the winning moment of mine. It was more than that, It was the winning moment of my family, the ones that never be tired to have my back. It was the winning moment of my beloved classmates, the ones who taught me and helped me preparing any kind of needs for participating the event such as catwalk training session, tips in question and answer, preparing the clothes, support me. It was the winning moment of my great lecturers, the ones who believed in me and trusted me. Thus, it makes me realizing one thing. Being Guk STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo is the form of contribution for all of the people who always put their belief in me. It was a honor to participate in one of the greatest events from my beloved campus; STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo.

Talking about being crowned as the Guk STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo, there are several processes that every contestant needed to do. I would like to retell the detailed agendas and stages before the D-day of Guk, Yuk, dan Duta Anti Narkoba was held. There are five major selections, namely (1) administration selection such as filling the administration form, (2) catwalk selection, (3) top 10 selection; presenting my vision and my mission as the next Guk STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo, (4) top 5 selection; presenting skill and ability, (5) top 3; answering the question from the juries in 60 second.

Moreover, I would like to describe in detail each stage of the selection. The first step is administration selection. In this phase, as the contestant, all I have to do is fulfilling the form only. The form contains several questions such as name, address, phone number, height, weight, and another standard type of question. Not only that, in the form, I am also being asked to fulfill my achievements in the past three years and I have to mention what kind of skill or performance that I'd like to perform. Next, the second selection is catwalk. In catwalk, as a pair, I and Agustin Wahyu Fatmawati present our walk and pose. Walking in stage was my first experience, but finally, I did it. Each contestant that has a good catwalk will be called to follow the next selection, namely presenting vision and mission. The third stage is presenting vision and mission. In this phase, I present my vision and my mission as the next Guk STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo. I delivered my speech in Bahasa Indonesia. Talking about vision and mission, I personally integrated this concept with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially the fourth point; Quality Education. My vision is underlining the essential role of our generation in achieving the fourth point of SDGs. As the future teacher, it is a must for STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo's students to be aware with this. I envisioned the fact that we will be the next agent of change in which we should understand that education is the main key if we want to achieve all of the goals within the SDGs. In Bahasa Indonesia or Indonesian Language, my vision and mission sound like this:


Terwujudnya Mahasiswa/i STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo, serta Kultur Kampus STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo yang Mampu Menjadi Pencetus dan Pewujud Tercapainya Poin ke-4 SDGs, yaitu Quality Education atau Pendidikan Berkualitas


(1) Menciptakan dan Menjadi Mahasiswa/i STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo yang Senantiasa Menjunjung Tinggi Nilai Toleransi kepada Seluruh Lapisan Masyarakat, baik di Lingkungan Kampus maupun Luar Kampus dan (2) Menciptakan dan Menjadi Generasi yang CLBK (Cinta Literasi dan Berjiwa Kompetitif).

In addition, the next stage of selection is presenting my skill or my performance. I perform a storytelling in this selection. The story to tell is Sarip Tambak Oso, the Sidoarjo's Folktale from the Ludruk Wijaya Kusuma Version in 1970. I also use attribute in performing this performance, namely (1) batik, (2) plastic-material knife, (3) batik rolled-paper, and (4) visual aid. Last but not least, the next stage of selection is question and answer session from the juries to the contestant. I received a question from my beloved lecturer; Mom Lailatul Musyarofah, M.Pd. The question was "What is the correlation between youth and change" or in Bahasa Indonesia, it sounds "Apa hubungan pemuda dan perubahan?". In answering the question, I am mainly integrated the answer with the SDGs concept and the role that youth should be done. Thus, the last stage of the selection became the final selection before the winner of this event will be announced.

Hence, all I want to say to everyone who believes in me is that I am beyond grateful and honored. It is a happiness in a lifetime to participate this wonderful event. I am really happy, not because the fact that I won only, but also the fact that I can acquire a lot of knowledge, networking, and experience. Thank you my beloved campus; STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo. It is a honor to be Guk STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo. It is a happiness in a lifetime. Thank you.


