Gujrati's and Business!
Monika S.
Founder - /Equipment Finance )([email protected]). PWD Hiring expert. Founder - ([email protected])
If you see the history of Gujarati people then they belong to Indo-Aryan ethnolinguistic group. A group which is well developed, rich cultured and basic quality of nature of these people is calmness.
Ludovico di Varthema, a European traveler visited Gujarat (in the 15th century) and he noted that Gujarati people were influenced by Jainism and Gujarati people were deprived of Mughal empire. You can observe those states where Mughals have left a deep impact. People at there are authoritarian and passionate. Ludovico di Varthema described Gujarati people like this;
…a certain race which eats nothing that has blood never kills any living things… and these people are neither moors nor heathens… if they were baptized, they would all be saved by the virtue of their works, for they never do to others what they would not do unto them.
Yet, this is very hard to find reason of intimate relationship of Gujarati and business. Due to Indo-Aryan ethnicity, they are having high business sense. Even Marwari, Sindhi and Miyan people are coming from the same ethnicity and same business sense can be seen in them.
The next argument is geographical location of Gujarat. Gujarat has 1600km vast coastal area. In the medieval period, trading had been carried out by seaway and Gujarati people took advantage of it. Even in British period Ahmedabad and Surat was the center for the trading. Ahmedabad was called as Manchester of East.
Gujarati people are kind and believe in building relations. Due to Jainism people in Gujarat are soft towards each other. One the basic principle of business is a huge network. Gujarati people build their network with their sweet language. Their “??? ?? ???????? (How are you, big brother?)” can heal anything.
Gujarati people are so calculative, you can never imagine the speed of calculations running through their head. However, no Gujarati were written any fundamental books of economics, yet no one could beat Gujarati in a matter of economics. Gujarati people avoid wasting time in studying MBA but they could deliver paid expert lecture in MBA colleges at a high cost.
You can see total population of Gujarati people; now they are widespread across globe. You can find Gujarati colony in any important countries.
Globally, they are developing their business. In the USA motel business has almost taken over by Gujarati people. Gujarati people never ashamed of doing small work. They work hard, learn very well and open the business after understanding every aspect of it.
There is one proverb for Gujarati people, “He bought goods from a Marwari person and sell it to Sindhi person. Yet, if that person is in profit then definitely he is Gujarati.” Best example of this proverb is Mukesh Ambani. That person gave us free services of Jio for 1 year and after this, he is giving us services at nominal rates. Observing the success of Jio, all other telecom companies reduced their rates. Yet, Mukesh Ambani is in profit and others are struggling!
Gujarati people have a lot of ideas and courage to execute it. It does not mean that other people don’t have ideas. But Gujarati people only dig mine where gold is burial. He calculates every risk and profit margins before executing ideas. Gujarati people are very practical in business tactics, if they are showing interest in you it means you are giving the gold egg to them. Yet, this is only limited to business only. In social life, Gujarati people are fun loving and very kind(Article has been reshared , as I liked it :) )