a guitar ends up in the garbage?
Christopher Bogdon Badynee
Pierogi Underground Pusherman, improvisational theorist/Yes, and... /food stylist
Someone somewhere cut a tree down and got paid to do so. That person earned money to feed the family. That tree was processed into lumber for money which became an opportunity to care for one's self and loved ones. That lumber was then bought by a craftsman to make inexpensive guitars, in which the craftsman sold to carry on with business which in turn earned a living to live life.
Perhaps this was happening in a third world country for pennies a day? if so, the process is still for the same reason. People create things to care for their lives.
Creating that cheap guitar was not just thrown together mindlessly, no, someone put forth the effort to carefully measure, expertly cut, sand, shape, smooth, glue, attach, allow to dry in the correct condition, and assemble, then varnish/finish, string up, and tune the guitar. Then it was packaged with packaging made by someone somewhere earning a living to live which made is possible to safely transport the guitar by people driving trucks earning money to sustain their everyday responsibilities.
A store then purchased that guitar, displayed it to sell, and successfully sold it for a profit. Again, the profit is to buy food, clothing, and living expenses. The person that bought that guitar most likely earns money doing something somewhere. Maybe they were born with the money, maybe someone gifted them with the money to buy the cheap guitar. I don't know, but that purchaser bought that guitar with future hopes of beautiful music.
The cheap guitar was difficult to play as cheap guitars normally are, and it was soon discarded into the trash because it was cheap enough to just throw it away.
I saw that guitar in the garbage and brought it home. It wasn't terribly difficult to play. I cleaned it and because i am skilled, i was able to make adjustments so that it was easier to play. And now I love this guitar and will forever.
Please listen to the soundcloud recorded performance.