Guilty Question (and why you should ask them)
I don't know who first said it but it goes something like “We question all our beliefs except those that we hold most firmly, and those we never question at all.”
Let that sink in.
How do you feel about that?
My guess is that you might feel nothing at first, but then you might start to squirm…. or even feel guilty.
You see deep down each one of us knows we are created for greatness, and we know that there is a gap between how we think and feel about ourselves and how we would like to think and feel about ourselves.
In short, we don’t believe in who we really are or what we are capable of and this causes pain, or more specifically guilt and shame.
But why?
Well, my best guess is that the quote makes us confront some very simple “untruths” that we are unconsciously living by.
“I’m not good enough”
”I don’t have the courage to have that conversation”
“I’m not loveable”
“That would never work for me”
”I can’t get over this thing”
”I can’t heal from this thing”
”I could never make more money”
”I can’t be happy until everything is perfect”
“What I do doesn't really matter”
”I don’t have any gifts to share with the world”
And the list goes on.
A lot of the time these beliefs go unnoticed. And in some ways, they are like old friends (albeit very toxic friends).
And this might come as a surprise but often times a familiar discomfort is far more comfortable than an unfamiliar comfort.
So what is to be done?
On a very practical level, I have one suggestion (one that I am trying to implement myself)
And that is to set out to do or become someone that defies one of these beliefs.
Now the nuance of all this isn’t lost on me so I’m not saying we can simply defeat all these negative beliefs by “earning love” or “thinking positively” but I am saying that we can prove some of them to be wrong by taking action and doing the thing we believe we cannot do. The more specific the better.
And this starts to shake up the whole thing, in a good way.
As the great Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (yes I had to copy and paste that name) put it:
”Live not by lies”
You know what to do,
P.S. Don’t underestimate this belief thing as frustrating as it can be. Cause it really can change your life. Heck in the Bible it healed people from blindness and leprosy (“Daughter, your faith has healed you”), and in the current day, it has helped broke people get rich (they almost always point back to mindset)… lots going on there but it sure seems to be part of the puzzle.