(The importance of both sides taking their responsibility in spirituality)
Ayah W. Abine (Coach TIL)

THE GUIDING ROLE OF SHEPHERDS & THE RESPONSIBILITY OF DISCIPLES (The importance of both sides taking their responsibility in spirituality)

"We are primarily spiritual beings, and it is in a quest to connect spiritually that humans created all these religions.?Unfortunately however, the laziness of some parties in this equation has made religion to lose almost all the little value it had/ has. Both the shepherds and the disciples should ensure that they play their unequivocal roles if the spirituality formula has to prove the inherent value it carries.” - Coach TIL

In?the lines above, I intentionally didn’t use “followers” but I used “disciples”, because in this journey, we are all gods, and no one is supposed to be or appear to be above another.?We only have shepherds who are to help equip us (Eph. 4:12)?with what we need to transfer the culture of heaven to the earth (heaven’s colony).

In the book of Ezekiel, from chapters 6 - 10, there’s a very interesting interaction which involves the Creator (God) and Ezekiel the Prophet, some 6 “men” and 4 Cherubims. Without getting into the details of what they were doing, what we will notice is that there was absolute clarity of roles, there was no ambiguity in the operations.

This is very vital?stuff, follow please...

This clarity of role ensured that things went very well, and this applies to every other thing.?In business, if there’s no clarity in roles, there will be unnecessary and avoidable conflict. This applies to in the church and many other areas in life, where if some part of the equation refuse to take their responsibility, it could create unnecessary issues.

This understanding prompted my reflection from experience and observation in this light.?The spiritual journey in which we all are (as creatures who are primarily spiritual) requires that we have shepherds who could be teachers, prophets, evangelists and all that (Eph. 4:11), yet it didn’t say that disciples should be dumb (or lazy).

This is a pretty interesting, come with me...

As a matter of fact, these disciples are part of the great commission (assignment) of Matt. 29:19,20?and Mk 16:15?in which no names were called, but we all were sent on a Priestly assignment.?However, this Priestly assignment won’t happen in a vacuum, that’s why we should be equipped to be Kings in our different spheres of influence.

While the shepherds have the responsibility to equip, the disciples (learners) have the responsibility to learn and act.?This laziness that characterizes the “churches” which are to be God’s Ecclesia is something which shouldn’t be ignored and we need to call ourselves out on the issue. That’s why you’re reading this article I imagine.?

God’s Ecclesia is not a group of blind followers but a company of gods who come to legislate on Kingdom issues while paying total of attention to the Will (PURPOSE) of the King (God).?That’s why we need to be equipped to thrive in our different spheres (PURPOSES) so that we can execute the mandate which we were given. I think it’s important to mention that the word “Ecclesia” is not religious but “political”, it’s about controlling territories (governments).

This is pretty serious stuff…

The truth is that many disciples do all to run a way from this task because the role of being watcher is a lot easier.?Sitting by the side and clapping our hands doesn’t put any real responsibility on us and we therefore find it soothing and nice. This is where the sense of false humility comes from, when we refuse to accept that we are gods. The refusal to take our place as gods (Ps. 82:6, Jn. 10:34)?has turned us into followers instead of being disciples.

The bottom-line is this...

There’s therefore an urgent need for the disciples to sit up, so that even the shepherds too could sit up in some situations. While some shepherds are working hard, some are lying ion their laurels because the disciples are happy being followers. If the followers grow into disciples and take their responsibility, it will help everyone.

You’re Marvellous, You’re Amazing!

Magnanimously Yours!

Ayah W. Abine

Productivity & Business Leadership

Speaker, Author, Trainer, Coach, Consultant

Talk to Coach TIL:

"You can create your life. - Coach TIL"

#Potential #PURPOSE #Productivity #Spirituality #Legacy


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