Guidelines about NEP 2020
????????????????????????New National Education Policy 2023
The New National Education Policy is a watershed moment in India’s educational system. After 34 years of following the same norms, the Ministry of Education (previously known as MHRD) made significant changes to our education policy on July 29, 2020. The Indian government just adopted the New National Education Policy for 2023. Hence, it is only logical that the question “What this New National Education Policy genuinely is?” must be coming to people’s minds. This is where our post comes in to help them find an answer. We will go through all of the major features of the New National Education Policy in this section. Also, we shall discuss the NEP 5+3+3+4 structure in detail. Hence, students who wish to comprehend the government’s education policy should read this article.
Name of the Education Policy???????????NationalEducation Policy 2023
Organized by????????????????????????????????????????the Ministry of Education, India
The motto of the Policy???????????????????????Educate, Encourage, and Enlighten
Launch Date???????????????????????????????????????? 29 July 2020
Number of Editions of Education Policy in India???????3 (1968, 1986, and 2020)
Major Amendment from the Last Education Policy????Replacement of 10+2 Structure by 5+3+3+4 Structure
Four Pillars of the Policy??????????????Access, Equity, Quality, and Accountability
Aim of the Policy??????????????????????????100% Youth and Adult Literacy
Principles of New Education Policy
1. Determine and nurture each child’s potential.
2. Increase children’s reading and numeracy knowledge
3. Providing flexible learning opportunities.
4. Spend money on public education.
5. Improve education quality
6. Introduce children to Indian culture.
7. Do excellent research, teach good governance, and empower children
8. Transparency in education policy
9. Emphasize the usage of technology and evaluate
10. Teach many languages
11. Improve your child’s creativity and logical thinking.?
? Benefits of the New Education Policy 2023
The followings are the benefits and features of this policy,
The former education policy has been replaced with the New National Education Policy, which was implemented by the Ministry of Education.
The Ministry of Human Resources will now be known as the Ministry of Education.
The national education policy will now make education universal, with the exception of medical and law studies.
Formerly, the pattern of 10 plus two was followed, however under the new education policy; the pattern of 5 + 3 + 3 + 4 will be adopted.
There was once a Science, Commerce, and Arts stream; however, this will no longer be the case.
Students can study accounting alongside physics or arts if they so desire.
In six standards, computer languages will be taught to students.
Every school will be outfitted with digital technology.
All forms of content will be translated into regional languages, and virtual labs will be built.
The NEP will cost 6% of GDP to execute.
If desired, the learner would be able to study Sanskrit and other ancient Indian languages.
Board exams will be held twice a year to relieve the student of the stress.
Artificial intelligence software will also be utilized to facilitate learning.
The M. Phil degree from higher education is being phased out.
The pupil will be taught three languages determined by the state.
The National Council of Educational Research and Training will develop the national curricular framework for schooling.
Several institutions will be established to carry out the National Education Policy.
Particular emphasis will be placed on the children’s education and talents.
New Education Policy 2023: Major Reforms
The Majo Reforms in Education Policy according to the NEP 2023 are listed below.
There will be no discernible divide between the arts, sciences, academic, vocational, curricular, and extracurricular disciplines.
Foundational Reading and Numeracy will be prioritized.
The 10+2 structure is replaced by a 5+3+3+4 model.
No state language is imposed on students studying in any state.
Students are permitted to take the Board Examinations twice.
Instead of 1.7%, the government will spend 6% of the country’s GDP on education.
The fund for gender inclusion will be completely established.
The government would go above and above to ensure that gifted youngsters receive a suitable education.
The undergraduate courses will last four years.
A 4-year integrated B.Ed Course will be required to apply for the position of teacher.
A Common Admission Examination for admission to HEIs will be implemented.
The Master of Philosophy program will be phased out of the educational system.
In Secondary School, pupils will be able to choose from a variety of disciplines such as arts and crafts, vocational courses, and physical education.
The PARAKH (Performance Assessment, Review, and Analysis of Knowledge for Holistic Development) organization will define the standards for Board Examinations. The government will make Indian literature and other classical languages part of the educational curriculum.
Instead of every academic year, student exams will be held only in classes 2nd, 5th, and 8th.
Significance of 5+3+3+4 Structure
By the 5+3+3+4 structure, the government hopes to place a greater emphasis on pupils’ cognitive growth. The government will flesh out the schooling phases of kids through this system for their advantage. In contrast to the 10+2 framework, the 5+3+3+4 structure will enhance students’ foundations from the foundational to secondary stages. This new framework will also assist students in fully exercising their right to an education. Because the structure caters to children aged 3 to 18 rather than 6 to 14. As a result, the pupils will be helped from the start of their school life.
Aside from that, this structure will be useful in significantly enhancing student retention rates. With the implementation of this framework, more students will remain at their respective institutions throughout their academic careers. In short, this new framework will benefit students in every way imaginable. Furthermore, a higher literacy rate under this system will only benefit our country’s future.