Guidelines to Ensure 100% ECA Acceptance by IRCC
Individuals who are trying to migrate to Canada through Express Entry and other skilled worker streams, definitely require a report that confirms their foreign [non-Canadian] education’s equivalency to Canadian education. This report is called an ?Education Credential Assessment (ECA) report. This assessment validates the Canadian equivalence of their academic qualifications acquired internationally, which could include degrees, diplomas, and certificates earned abroad.
Should Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) decline your Education Credential Assessment (ECA), it may result in immigration process setbacks. Nevertheless, you can follow just 2 simple steps to ensure that your ECA never faces rejection by IRCC.
Choose the appropriate type of ECA
Many evaluation reports are available, but the ECA is specifically required by the Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). Obtaining an ECA is mandatory for skilled migration programs.
Choosing the correct evaluation report type is crucial to ensure compliance with IRCC's ECA standards and provide the necessary information for your immigration application processing. Making the correct decision about the type of ECA is essential to avoid potential delays in the immigration process.
Acquire ECA from a provider authorized by IRCC
Numerous organizations offer credential evaluation services, but only five are officially acknowledged by IRCC. Submitting an ECA from a provider not endorsed by IRCC could result in delays or rejection of your application. Therefore, newcomers are strongly recommended to verify that their selected ECA provider is approved by IRCC for assessing credentials for Canadian immigration.
Ensure that your ECA report has not expired
An ECA report issued by a designated ECA organization for IRCC’s requirements expires after five years according to IRCC regulations. Therefore, some services offer straightforward options for ECA renewal, enabling candidates to conveniently prolong the validity of their documents by another five years. For example, in WES, you can effortlessly log in to your WES account and select "Order Duplicate IRCC" from the dashboard, effectively extending your ECA for an additional five years.
Check if you qualify to migrate to Canada. Check out our?Settlement Resources?to learn how to find employment in Canada, making your initial days stress-free, etc.