Connie P. Milligan
LCSW, Therapist, Transformational Coach, Trainer and Consultant
Watching several friends buy new homes has been a fascinating study on the use of instincts. They have their parameters, their price points, the things they want, and don’t want but in the end, it comes down to how it feels and whether it’s “right”. It comes down to instincts.
In meditation I asked what to write my blog on, as I often do, and the word “instinct” came to me. How appropriate I thought, cats, dogs, horses and all of nature rely on instincts, yet our western culture still considers it too soft to take seriously. Nevertheless, instincts are responsible for bringing joy to my life - true love, my perfect puppy, my fabulous house, work I love….all of it.
Here is a quick review of some of the ways instincts can help us in our everyday life. It includes a list of 6 instinct driven gifts that guide us, prefaced by the French word clair, or “clear”. See how many of them you use, often without realizing it.
Clairvoyance is the ability of “clear seeing” to receive information from a visual perspective. It is a knowing that comes to you visually, inside your head in your third eye. If you can instantly see how something will work, or the right way to decorate a room, or can create or design something in your mind, you are using Clairvoyance. I loved hearing how my friends instantly saw how they’d live in the house they bought. They knew it was perfect. I had the same experience when I saw my house for the first time.
Clairsentience is gift of “clear feeling”. It allows you to understand and perceive the emotions of others, including their joy and pain. When you walk into a room and immediately know the mood of the people in it and can sum it up without knowing what is being said, you are using this very helpful gift. Clairsentience helps you know how to relate and help people without much information being needed. I use it all the time.
Clairaudience is the ability to have “clear hearing”. It is often experienced as a voice in your head, that may seem like your own thoughts or a distinct voice that guides you. This gift comes in frequently in my meditations as a word or phrase, as it did today. It is certainly a gift my husband uses as he composes music, as do many musical friends and engineers. He has written 30 amazingly different and complex pieces of music during the pandemic. It seems to flow effortlessly from him.
Claircognizance is the gift of “clear knowing”. I love this one myself. It is the ability to simply know, often in large bites of information, referred to as a “download”. It provides sudden insight and understanding about a myriad of things, ideas, perceptions, plans, predictions and even premonitions. It allows you to see into a situation to find solutions and solve problems. As I have found, it can put you far ahead of those around you, requiring your knowing to be tempered with a soft sales approach to get people to believe you.
Clairaustance is the ability to have “clear tasting”. If you have the ability to taste something without eating it, you likely have this gift. It will show itself in interesting ways, such as a memory to signify a similarity between something in the present and something you remember from a taste experience. This gift is very important and widely used by wine connoisseurs, chefs and foodies.
Clairscent is the gift of having “clear smelling”. Scent is often engrained in our memories and can be a helpful way of being reminded or guided in the present. If you ever have scent come to you out of the blue, pay close attention, you are likely being guided to make an association to something or someone from your past. There is usually a message in this gift.
Which ones of these instincts can you relate to? Usually, you have several that you rely on regularly. You can cultivate and refine these gifts by paying closer attention to when they come up and put them to use. You know the question, “what do your instincts say”? They are particularly important when you have decisions to make, when there is a relationship question, when you are making changes, or trying to sort things out. Really at every juncture of life, learning to read your intuitive gifts is an essential skill set. It helps you figure out the direction of your life.
Instincts will turn an ordinary situation into something special, extraordinary, even magical. This is particularly true if you are facing important decisions, questions or a crossroad. The information from instincts provides the tipping point of details that helps you know what to do or to confirm a decision. I just watched my artist neighbor receive some symbolic imagery that told her that her move will be good. I loved hearing this. We all need confirmation.
Learn to use your instinctual gifts to clearly see, feel, hear, know, taste or smell and your life will flow more effortlessly. You will have more confidence and certainty about your direction. Your instincts actually help you be more interconnected to everything around you.
If you would like help to use your instincts more easily, reach out. My Transformational Coaching and Therapy guides you to know yourself more thoroughly. Go to and use my Free Consultation link to reach me. I’d love to hear from you.