Guide Them to Their Dream World
Adam Egger
I Help SaaS Teams Stop Building the Wrong Features | 1-Day Validation Sprints to Save Months of Dev Time | 3 Books on Innovation | 20+Yrs of Global Experience in Building Products | 500+ UX/CX/EX Workshops
How would you talk about yourself in a job interview?
If your first sentence starts with “I’m John, I’ve worked at XY before” you're making it about you and not your potential future employer.
How would you present your company to a potential customer?
If your first sentence in an email or your first slide starts with “We are XYZ software, we're located in Berlin, we were founded in 2018” you're making it about you and not about your potential customer.
Always focus on adding value to them by answering this question:
How can I help them move from the world that is to the world that could be?
Know your audience’s journey and guide them to their future dream world.