A Guide to Start your Export Business
By Sandeep Kaushik (Export Growth Consultant)

A Guide to Start your Export Business

A Guide to Get Started with an Export Business!

Exporting is a wide concept! New traders generally get confused in importing and exporting if they try to do both. Both are quite different from one another. If you are starting an export business, stick to it only. The modern system of trade is complex. It requires a lot of consideration and preparation before entering the export business. Export Growth Consulting from experts could guide you and help make decisions, keeping the long term benefit in mind. Do in-depth market research before getting into the export trade business. Export business indeed comes with many challenges, but it is also true that the scope of growth is even higher.

To start an export business, first, you need to get prepared with the basics.

●?????Form an organisation: The very first step is to establish an organisation. Set up a company and get it registered. Get the licence to operate. Seeing how digital presence is working for businesses, it is necessary that you also get a domain and form a website. Branding needs to be attractive and understandable.

●?????Open a bank account: It is a part of your basic setup. You will need a current account in a bank authorised to deal in foreign trade.

●?????Obtain PAN (Permanent Account Number) and IEC number (Importer-Exporter code). The tax department records all tax-related transactions under PAN, and IEC is a mandatory requirement for all traders dealing in foreign trade.

●?????To be eligible to get benefits and services from the Export promotion council and other authorities, get RCMC (Registration cum Membership Certificate).

●?????Get a GST Number for your company.

●?????Get the AD code from your bank and register it at customs of the port from where you will be shipping. If you use multiple ports in future, you will have to register in each one of them.

●?????Find the certifications required in your industry and get the mandatory ones done ASAP.

After the basics of setting up your company and obtaining all the mandatory licences, let us look at the further requirements to start exports.

  1. Decide your domain: There are various ways to get into exporting business. You can manufacture your products to export or act as a middleman for manufacturers and buyers. Another option could be to buy products, modify them or make something new and export. Decide what you want to venture into before moving further.
  2. Select product: What are you going to export? It is easier with some products than others. For example, if you are going to choose products like alcohol or tobacco, you will need more licences and permissions as compared to exporting clothing. Other aspects to keep in mind while selecting a product are demands, competition, shelf life (for edible items), etc. Study the Export Sales trends thoroughly before selecting the product.
  3. Select Countries: Now that you have decided on the product, the next step would be to decide where to export. There’s a pool of countries to select from. Which country would be best for your product depends on various factors such as demand, consumer behaviour, price, foreign markets and the trading channel suited for your product.
  4. Find buyers: Selection of the product and the countries are done! It’s time to find the buyers in the selected countries. There are many ways to find buyers for export, the most common methods are to participate in export-import trade fairs and exhibitions, online advertising or getting Export Growth Consultancy. Getting in touch with a genuine buyer could be a tricky task. Exporters need to be careful while dealing with the buyers. Gradually, make contacts and a list of buyers that will be beneficial in the long run.
  5. Pricing: This is one of the most critical steps in Export trade. Your product price depends on various factors such as the manufacturing cost, sampling cost, shipment, market prices, shipping costs, the quantity of the order, etc. The product price should cover all these costs and should not be more than what customers are willing to pay. The goal is to sell maximum quantities at competitive market prices and maximum profit margins. The product, country, market, buyers, all your decisions will impact the price of the product and your profit.
  6. Sampling: Sampling the product is the next step. After sorting the buyers, they will ask for product samples before placing an order. Customise the samples as per the demands of the buyers to get the order. Maintaining quality standards, and on-time delivery won’t only get you the order but will also build trust and credibility.
  7. Negotiations: After the sampling is done and approved, it's time to export. Negotiate with the buyers and get the best prices for your product. Offering discounts on bulk orders might land you with an even bigger one. While dealing with the foreign buyers, try to get advance payment or a letter of credit (LOC) against the order to avoid fraud and cover your manufacture and other expenses.
  8. Logistics: The final step is to ship the order via a viable route. The shipping route and channel must be viable for the product, and the packaging should be perfect. The transaction is complete and successful only after the buyer receives the delivery safely.
  9. Risk coverage: International Trade Exports involve high risks. Export Credit Guarantee Corporation Ltd (ECGC) policies cover these risks. When a buyer is placing orders without advance payment and LOC, it is advisable to procure credit limits from ECGC to protect against the risk of non-payment.

The export businesses are driven by a lot of factors. Any global or national issue in your country or in the country you are exporting to can impact your business, positively or negatively. The contracts should be drafted carefully. For someone who is just getting started with the export trade, it is advisable to do proper market research and gain as much knowledge as possible on exports., probably by Export consultancy services India. Understanding the market and marketing is essential to establish a successful trade business and t5o get your first order. You will also need some initial investment to get started. Although, a major part of the finances is needed after getting an order.

India Sells Overseas initiative is supported by the government, as it benefits the country by increasing foreign currency reserves, promoting monetary movements and contributing to industrial growth.

If you wish to get help to make your export business flourish, what could be a better way than to get a consultation from the Best Export consultants in India who have 22+ years of experience in export growth and marketing.


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