Be a guide not a judge
SportsFaith Play of the day from the Ultimate Playbook!
John 8:7 When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone?at her.”
It is so easy to look down on others and judge. We know we are not supposed to, but if we're honest we ALL judge. Possibly we do it to justify our own sinfulness, 'At least I'm not as bad as that guy!'. The next time we are ready to throw down the gavel of 'righteous judgment', we need to look deep into ourselves and ask, 'What would serve Jesus more? Judging or leading?'. Instead of pointing out a finger (or raising one), hold out a hand and be the light that leads to Jesus. Be a guide not a judge and have a blessed day!