A Guide to InvoChat Digital WorkSpace!
As we are well aware, when COVID-19 grasped the world it crippled the infrastructure and halted its operating system. From there, a seismic shift began to emerge in the face of the conventional work line. The majority of corporations shifted to remote teamwork overnight, even after the intense COVID wave, the teams remain split between home and office workspace accompanied by office visits on rotations.?
Regardless of such a huge shift in working infrastructure, the business kept running and thriving after an initial setback. Moreover, as compared to the prior work structure, Employees tend to be more productive and creative by working remotely OR amidst a flexible working hours environment.
Modern Problems, Require modern Solutions! The biggest adversary of working remotely was the lack of smooth conversation. Therefore, IT teams and organizations started to develop an upgraded means so professionals can work and collaborate seamlessly with clients and team members. These models proved to be very efficient and businesses seemed to achieve quantifiable benefits as they started to leverage platform-based team collaboration.?
Here at InvoChat, we have created a business communication platform for in-house association followed by a tool for instant messaging with the capability of handling hundreds of users simultaneously. The objective was to build a domain that has all the standard necessary features to conduct a smooth conversation between corporate individuals with zero to less hindrance.?
Say Goodbye to Fragmented Information! With InvoChat you will get an accommodative interface that promotes calling, file attachments, image/video sharing, managing group chats, and any other feature which may be necessary for inhouse communication
First things First, How InvoChat Works?
When you open InvoChat, the first you need is to set up your account by going into settings:
Setup an Account
Firstly, you have to type in the name, others will use this to mention and notify you in chat room conversation. Write your name and click save.?
Sometimes for occasional updates and to mention offline activity and to serve that purpose we need an Email address, Write your email and click save.
Set a new password. You'll be prompted to meet HIPAA security requirements. Your password must contain: at least 8 characters, an uppercase letter, a lowercase letter, a number, or a special character (e.g. !$#). Write Password and click save.?
Set your PIN. This will be used to resume InvoCom after inactivity lockouts. Set Pin and click save, from there you will get to the next step.?
Your current time zone. We use this when we send emails. Set to your CURRENT TIME ZONE and click save.?
InvoChat Profile
To make the interface user-friendly, your information will be shown alongside the messages you send in conversations. Write First and last name and click save.
Phone Number
It is optional whether you want to share personal contact details or not. However, the number will be used for colleagues to contact you. Write a Phone Number and save it.?
Your title or Job description will be displayed in your profile. Set Title and Click save.
Profile Image
Upload a profile image. This will be displayed when users view your information in InvoCom.
Enable/Disable Notifications
Now, we all know that notifications are very important to stay on route and provision major tasks on priority. You can arrange your notifications section by enabling or disabling depending on the relevance and usefulness.?
Browser Notifications
Desktop notifications are currently enabled. We recommend enabling notifications just by following super-simple steps. Go to your InvoChat account click on the browser setting and voilà here you go.?
Email Notifications
Email notifications are basically for unread messages. InvoCom has an integrated feature to send an email about new, unread messages you receive while you’re offline. You can set the frequency below - not to be notified twice about the same message.?
Desktop and Mobile Notifications
These settings apply to all rooms and conversations in InvoCom but are overridden by room-specific settings below.
Check your desired notification and click save.?
That’s easy, isn't it? Now ready to set your digital workspace?
Go for asynchronous work with InvoChat and eliminate all the off-clock distractions - Get a focused and productive time with your teammates. InvoChat also accommodates different and flexible working schedules, but to have that flexible schedule work you have to let others know when you’re away by updating the status from time to time. By keeping all these things in mind, operating under an asynchronous environment will make work easy for you.