James Robertson
Helping busy professional dads to live a HEALTHIER, LEANER and LONGER life through my proven coaching strategies. Subscribe to my newsletter ‘Fit Dad Formula’ and receive FREE coaching tips, programmes and products.
(Including a FREE recipe book to help with a nutrient dense diet)
Your gut is involved in almost every process in your body, if not directly then indirectly. Especially when it comes to overall health, energy levels, strength and longevity and it took me a good few years to realise myself. Apart from reducing unwanted smells at the dinner table and triple flushing the toilet, gut health is VERY important.
They say if you want to build a masterpiece you start from the ground up, I want you to view improving your digestive health as laying a solid foundation. So why is your gut so important?
Simple, it influences the following key areas of health:
-????????? Nutrient absorption
-????????? Energy production
-????????? Waste removal
-????????? Your overall mood
-????????? Your immune system
So, before we go into a strategy to improve your gut health, lets go into more detail about the above so you are fully aware just how important gut health is.
This is kind of obvious as getting your food squared away is kind of your guts main job, but how efficient it is at this process is hugely down to you and ability to manage your gut health. Types of foods you can consume differ hugely, some are nutrient dense, some are not. Some are highly acidic and inflammatory, some are alkaline and anti-inflammatory. Which foods you decide to consume dictates your guts health through inflammation ?and acidity levels. If you consume a highly acidic diet, then your bodies ph levels will increase. You won’t feel a direct impact at the time but this acidic body will be prone to auto immune disease as you age. Interesting fact, diseases such as cancer LOVE an acidic environment and will thrive, whereas they CANNOT survive in an alkaline environment. ?Improving your gut’s ability to absorb nutrients will be the single largest impact you could have on your overall health, strength and energy levels.
The food you consume is broken down in the gut so that nutrients can be absorbed through the small intestine. You no doubt already know this part and it doesn’t take a biologist to work out that the less efficient your gut is at this process the lower your energy levels will be. But here’s what you might not know. Your gut contains microbiome or simply put good and bad bacteria and ideally your ‘good bacteria’ should be kicking the crap out of your bad bacteria. But how would you know if that’s the case? If your bad bacteria out number your good it will cause bloating, discomfort and any dutch oven will likely end up in death. If your microbiome is on point it, toilet time will slip out like a mackerel and your generally feel great.
Looking after your microbiome is vital in improving gut health.
In an ideal world all your digestive waste will slip out the cavern like a slippery soap in the shower. But if your gut is in poor health this can cause internal problems such as leaky gut which is not ideal to say the least. Leaky gut is where holes appear within your digestive track which are large enough for toxins and waste products to leak into your blood stream. This situation can be caused through high acidic levels, food intolerances or digestive inflammation most of which are self-caused due to a poor diet and unbalanced microbiome. Having a diet low in fibre will also impact your digestive track’s ability remove waste, think more attempting sex before foreplay. This leads to waste build up in your rectum and leads to different forms of cancers in that area.
Here’s an interesting fact, did you know 90% of your body’s dopamine is created in your gut. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter and is also involved in other bodily functions such as movement, learning, attention and sleep. It forms part of your bodies reward system teaching your brain to desire activities that release dopamine such as exercise. Sadly, however depending on your dopamine sensitivity modern living has created desires for quick fix dopamine kicks such as drink, drugs, fast food, porn and social media (but this is a topic for another day). If your dopamine levels are low this is going to cause anxiety, depression and negative thinking. So hit the gym, look after your gut and enjoy your daily dopamine hit.
Here’s another interesting fact, did you know 70-80% of your immune cells are located in your gut! Your microbiome helps teach your immune system which products are harmful pathogens and which are harmless. As mentioned previously a poor digestive health can also lead to issues such as leaky gut where toxins and pathogens can pass into the blood stream and create havoc in the body. If you are prone to coughs, colds or illnesses then I would implement the strategy I have outlined below to improve your digestive health and boost your immunity.
1.????? Reduce the following foods from your diet (notice I said reduce NOT cut out)
-????????? Alcohol
-????????? Refined carbohydrates (anything white)
-????????? Processed meats such as peperoni and cheap hams.
-????????? Fizzy drinks
2.????? Increase the amount of the following foods you consume each day:
-????????? Vegetables, veg is full of fibre and this is what your good bacteria feed off. Try and get as many different colours as possible.
-????????? Fermented foods such as Kefir and Sauerkraut.
-????????? Beans and lentils these again have high fibre levels but they are also a great source of carbohydrate unlike white starchy carbs.
-????????? Replace trans fats with good fats such as avocados, oily fish and nuts.
3.????? Increase your sleep quality
-????????? A lack of sleep increases your stress levels. As a result you will experience an increase what’s known as cortisol and an increases in internal inflammation.
-????????? Reduce stress as much as you can, stress is a highly negative factor when it comes to improving gut health.
4.????? Stay well hydrated
Each cell in your body is 80% water, if you are dehydrated the function of each cell in your body will reduce. This is even more apparent when it comes to your digestive system as a dry track aint going to make pushing any easier.
5.????? Here is my secret weapon when it comes to improving gut health.
Take a ‘Balance One’ probiotic! You can get probiotics from anywhere but 99% fail to pass the acid in your stomach and just end up dying before the bacteria can reach your gut alive. However, ‘Balance One’ I have discovered has a technology which allows the bacteria to pass through the stomach and enter the gut. This will have a profound impact on the health and number of your good bacteria.
Link is here:
You can only purchase from the USA though, the UK does not sell it yet.
Also as promised here is my ‘Pushed for Time’ recipe book to help you regain control and enjoy a nutrient dense diet.
Coach James