Guide | How to Create a Hackathon
As a leader in the global hacker movement, DoraHacks provides crypto-native toolkits to help developers around the world raise funding for their ideas and BUIDLs. For more hacker movements, DoraHacks decided to give opportunities holding hackathons to Web3 communities from around the world.
If you are planning to launch your own hackathon, come to apply for the opportunity to onboard the event on DoraHacks platform!
Let’s get started with this hackathon application guide.
Step 1: Go to
Go to?, click “Create a Hackathon. Or you can directly submit information here?
Step 2: Fill in hackathon details
Fill in the Form as required, set up core information of the hackathon such as reward, schedule, requirements and so on.
Step 3: Contact us
Please contact DoraHacks staff on Telegram @dorahacksofficial or Discord:? support.
When everything is ready, we will help onboard the event on DoraHacks platform in 1-2 days!
Step 4: View published Hackathon
You will be able to view your hackathon on the Hackathon Main Page (
Step 5: Hackathon Management
Log in DoraHacks Management Platform to manage your hackathon. (Account will be provided by DoraHacks.)
Useful Link
About DoraHacks
DoraHacks is a global hackathon organizer and one of the world’s most active developer communities. It is an open-source developer platform and open source curation market. It provides unique on-chain tools to incentivize open-source developments around the world. The platform offers a variety of features including hacker profile, BUIDL, quadratic funding grants, bonding curve, bounties, hackathons to more than 100,000 users around the world.