“Mere Ghar naya Babu(baby) aane waala hai!” She (A little girl) said with a grin smile sparkling across her face. So the good news that my neighbor is going to become a Mother reached us. On hearing this news, there were all the greetings and procedure done as expected. On returning home, I asked Mamma, “What it feels when you the get the news, that you’re going to become a mother soon?” She with the glitter of happiness in her eyes said, “Beta it’s a thing of beauty (John Keats) which gives a joy forever and beyond our imagination, A mother’s joy begins when she knows that a new life is stirring inside” and finished describing it as a MIRACULOUS AND WONDROUS experience. (And also “tu kyu puch raha hai yeh sab abhi?)
Pondering is my best timepass when over my bed. So started thinking about the ‘PERKS OF BEING PREGNANT’. The first general question, ‘What is pregnancy?’ – It is a time when you have an embryo or fetus (or more simply, an OFFSPRING) developing in your uterus. Umm Good, but another thought flew over my mind, Why miscarriages, abortions, premature births and caesarean sections occur? A bit negative to start, but worth pondering… did I think about the right question? “NO, IT MUST BE HEALTHY PREGNANCY”, said my uncle (a Doctor) in the morning. Grabbing the opportunity, I asked him “tell me the GUIDE TO HEALTHY PREGNANCY”. And then…
Pregnancy occurs by mating or assisted reproductive technology (test tube baby). It usually lasts around 40 weeks (9 months) from the last menstrual period and results in childbirth. So healthy pregnancy can be defined as the proper passage of these 9 months physically and emotionally so that the result yields a HEALTHY BABY.
Now, Pregnancy is divided into three trimesters. (Yes as our exams are divided into semesters!)
The first trimester is from week one through 12 and includes conception. Conception is when the sperm fertilizes the egg. The fertilized egg then travels down the fallopian tube and attaches to the inside of the uterus, where it begins to form the fetus and placenta (a flattened organ nourishing the fetus). Now here all the chromosomes are combined and the gender is decided. The people, who blame the mother, must get literate that it is the father’s chromosomes which determine it. (The female has X, the X from male results in GIRL and Y, a BOY). Also more than one egg can be fertilized, so better be expecting twins or triplets. This period carries the highest risk of miscarriage, so better start planning on your wondrous journey, begin healthy habits.
- Start your pregnancy diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables;
- exercise;
- Start taking additional folic acid (lentils; beans and peas; green vegetables- broccoli, spinach, asparagus; citrus fruit and juice).
- Stop smoking, consuming alcohol and using over-medications.
- Stay away from toxic materials (pollution) and rest well.
- One can also make the use of applications on pregnancy planner and read books on it.
Start “being pregnant” so you can give your baby the best start possible.
Now as seen in soaps and movies, one common sign of pregnancy is- NAUSEA (with or without vomit). The other symptoms are:-
- Morning Sickness (can occur at any time of day though, FATIGUE).
- Tender, Swollen breasts (hormonal changes and the milk glands multiply).
- Food aversions (one may feel hungrier and crave for food as the calorie requirement increases).
- Missed period and increased urination.
- Increased Progesterone levels (can make you feel sleepy).
In the 5th week along with the hormonal changes, the embryo starts developing the neural tube, hence the nervous system and the layers of other organs too start up to build.
Week 6 marks the beginning. ‘MY HEART BELONGS TO YOU’ the baby says. The first heartbeats start. Growth is very rapid this week. The CORD OF LIFE (umbilical cord) develops. Ears and eyes begin to form and the eyes pump up the blood to the organs. Because this is a critical time in your baby’s organ development, avoid alcohol, substances, drugs, and treatments (hair coloring, manicures, etc.) that you don’t really need. Be hydrated to avoid severe nausea.
Now the first trimester is sensible to Miscarriages. Yes, so be cautious… many times people don’t get to and it happens. But one can prevent it by taking the steps above and yes reducing obesity.
Another important problem is:-
Unintended pregnancies may be unwanted pregnancies or mistimed pregnancies. Worldwide, 38% of pregnancies (about 80 million pregnancies) were unintended in 1999. Unintended pregnancies are the main reason for induced abortions, resulting in about 42 million induced abortions; not all unintended pregnancies result in abortions or unwanted children. Unintended pregnancy has been linked to numerous maternal and child health problems.
- Not using contraception or family planning services.
- Using contraception inconsistently or incorrectly.
- Contraceptive failure (the method was used correctly, but did not work). Contraceptive failure accounts for a relatively small fraction of unintended pregnancies when modern highly effective contraceptives are used.
Prevention includes comprehensive sexual education, availability of family planning services, abstinence and increased access to a range of effective birth control methods.
Also find out about STDs from your doctor.
So Make your first prenatal appointment and find the right guidance to your blissful path.
Considered as the most energized period, they begin to put on weight as the symptoms eventually fade away. As your uterus stretches, you may feel some abdominal achiness. So listen to the body, and REST. You can even get brisk exercise to flex your muscles. The pregnancy hormones start to level off. From here, you could be better planning your parenthood ‘financially’ as HEALTH & WEALTH are synonymous.
Slowly the baby bumps appear. With the help of ultrasound, you can live the moments… watch the baby. Watch the miracle of life. BUT YES, ‘DO NOT DETERMINE THE SEX OF THE BABY’.
Remember, A baby is someone just the size of a hug. You don’t measure hugs (and happiness) by gender.
As the baby moves more often now, there may be nasal bleeding. Just eat healthy and keep your heart strong, as it supports two lives now.
One may feel dizzy, fainted, but it’s normal. “Postural hypotension” is low blood pressure due to a change in position and happens frequently. Also rashes on skin appear with some stretch marks. You can’t rub off the rashes, but applying lotions can ease dryness. Just a balanced diet will do well.
CONGRATULATIONS! You have just reached the halfway mark (20 weeks).
The child greets you with frequent games (symbolizing- moments). Feel it, because it’s the feeling so great, that words are less to describe it.
Over halfway there, the rapid growth begins to slow down. One is more stable emotionally now. But remember to have a proper fluid intake and maintain a balanced diet. As the first puke may be a memory now, and the heaviness of the third trimester to come… its time one should take a break and maybe go on a vacation to feel refreshed and rejuvenated.
Around week 25, the baby is over a pound. The blood vessels, ligaments and structures are all joining. BUSY WEEK! The mom here must be feeling like SOCCER MOM as the baby bump is just like a soccer ball.
There are constant kick, jabs, flips and flops. Pregnancy is a process that invites you to surrender to the unseen force behind all life. HAPPIEST SURRENDER IT WILL BE.
Around this time you start experiencing ‘BRAXTON HICKS’ contractions. These are normal and gear you up for the main job. But be sure to eat more because you need extra calories.
Congratulations! At the end of this week, you will have finished the second trimester already!
You may be experiencing some shortness of breath. The uterus is close to your rib cage now, and your lungs may not be able to fully expand but no need to worry as the baby isn’t lacking anything.
WEEK 28…
Welcome to the third trimester- the period of leg cramps, hemorrhoids, varicose veins (enlarged veins), itchy skin, aches and pains, swelling, heartburn, indigestion and . . . YOUR BABY’S ARRIVAL! Maybe the hardest period, but overcoming hardships gives a joy forever.
Each year, ill-health as a result of pregnancy is experienced by more than 20 million women around the world. In 2013 complications of pregnancy resulted in 293,000 deaths. Common causes include maternal bleeding complications of abortion, high blood pressure of pregnancy, maternal sepsis (presence of bacteria in tissues), and obstructed labor.
Complications are-
-Pregnancy induced hypertension
-Postpartum depression
-skin rashes
– Implantation of the embryo outside the uterus
-excessive nausea
– back pain and pelvic girdle pain. (tiredness+constipation too)
Moreover apart from these, Mothers are bound to get intercurrent diseases too. (Diseases not related to pregnancy directly, but may affect the maternal health and hence the baby).
Examples- Diabetes, Thyroid problems and hypercoagulability.
Now to eradicate these problems and have a healthy pregnancy, one should:-
1) Have a proper visit to the doctor over these 40 months. The aim of good care is to identify, manage potential problems early and to prevent them.
2) Nutrition- a proper balanced diet with surplus of vitamins and minerals. Folic acid is must. DHA-omega 3 fatty acids are recommended as it is an important element of breast milk (which is the most vital element for the child after birth). Also vitamin D and calcium is said to be beneficial for the strength of the child. Drink plenty of water and try to eat more fibrous foods. Unpasteurized milk, undercooked meals and junk food need to be avoided.
3) Be careful about hygiene
4) Exercise regularly and boost your spirit- focus more on your joints and the pelvic region. Practice yoga to get yourself refreshed and a spiritual touch.
5) Rest, deep breath, meditate and have massage
6) No alcohol, no drugs and no smoking.
Other problems include:-
Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS), also known as Hughes syndrome, is a condition that causes blood clots. It can be treated with medication.
Weakened cervix
A weakened cervix, also known as cervical incompetence, can be treated with an operation to put a small stitch of strong thread around your cervix to keep it closed.
Now for the family members (ESPECIALLY THE FATHER) who have been the companion on this wonderful journey alongside the mother, need to be appreciated. This journey wouldn’t have been possible without them.
Be supportive and be with the mother always. You can do the household chores, thereby reducing the work stress on the mother. One should accompany the mother to every visit to the doctor. One can take her on a nice meal, have a heartfelt talk with her and share the joy. Listen to music with her and even more interesting, start HUMMING the songs, even your baby will think that my family members are ROCKSTARS! Moreover, be happy and encourage the mother to be happy too, because Being Happy throughout the journey dissolves all the problems faced while travelling.
With just a few weeks to go until the ‘GOOD NEWS’, extra care needs to be taken. Our miracle is gains more weight (5-6 pounds now) and is ready to show the signs of coming out. The baby at this stage passes on to the birth canal. Signs of labour start to appear. [signs are- Diarrhea (yeah!), some blood show, effacement (ripening of the cervix), dilatation (opening of the cervix) and contractions ].
Week 40… Book your appointment because it is the time , the champ has to come and address the world.
Childbirth is the process whereby an infant is born. A woman is considered to be in labour when she begins experiencing regular uterine contractions, accompanied by changes of her cervix – primarily effacement and dilation. It is considered to be a painful experience (so painful that the measure of pain is equivalent to 20 bones fractured at the same time!).
AND SO COMES THE MOMENT, WHEN THE MIRACLE OF GOD HAPPENS, the First cry of the baby is heard. The only moment, when in the cry of the mother, there’s a hidden joy, the joy that her child has come into this world.
A review done by the World Health Organization (WHO) found that skin-to-skin contact between mothers and babies after birth reduces crying, improves mother-infant interaction, and helps mothers to breastfeed successfully. The bond that was once represented by a cord, is now a reality, a feeling, a thing of beauty which lasts forever.
Keeping the joy apart, POSTNATAL period, a critical phase in the lives of mothers and newborn babies. Yet, this is the most neglected period for the provision of quality care. Takes about 6 weeks, but 6 weeks of this care can be very much fruitful.
- Keeping the baby warm
- Exclusive Breast feeding. ( no other milk)
- Maintaining good hygiene (chances of catching diseases is very high as the baby’s immunity system has not adapted to the surroundings) .
- Increased hand –washing, skin care.
- Keep the ‘MY CHILD’ app handy in your phone to diagnose if any problems at an early stage. And accordingly take the require steps.
- Visits to the doctor.
The joy experienced throughout this remarkable journey can’t be expressed. The joy when the mother first carries her baby and keeps it close to her heart. The joy when the Dad tries to match the looks of the baby. The joy of other family members of getting a post of ‘uncle’, ‘aunt’, ‘grandparents’, ‘brother-sister’, it just can’t be described in words… it’s a feeling and needs to be felt.
As ended my Uncle giving me the Knowledge of THE WORLD’s MOST BEAUTIFUL MIRACLE- HOW IT TAKES PLACE AND MORE IMPORTANTLY ‘BEING HEALTHY’ DURING IT. The miracle is an ultimate mixture of how science blending with the force of love FULFILLS A DREAM.
Full Stack Engineer | Gen AI Enthusiast |Angular Deep Diver | Technology Enthusiast | Passionate For Noble Causes
6 年A great article. Very well researched and shares a lot of medical information. Great efforts Rachit Singh