A guide to handle the tough phase in career.
Recently one of the leading telecom brand in India announced its closure of operations with a notice to all employees , relieving them from their job responsibilities from XX date. Since it was an update bit tough to digest, read it once again all over to reconfirm that what I inferred was true. Moreover these days fake news are inclined to get more unwanted attention hence had tough time to accept the article. Subsequently opened up websites of economic times, leading newspapers and other business digest to find it absolutely true .Also inferred that the gravity of the problem being much deeper than that appeared at first glance.
The moment I realized it to be true a chill ran down my spine thinking about the phase that employees would face for the next few months till they settle down with their next phase of career and once again proving themselves for their new employer. The family of these employees for the next few days would be in a dilemma not knowing where they are heading .
I always believe In economics any action would have replicating affects on the economy,job market & the industry behavior since everything operates in a circle where none could stay aloof believing that an incident happening in a different industry might be no concern for self. I agree in the age of stiff competition , these lay-offs ,restructuring or pink slips( I still wonder why one of the most scary stuff is denoted with such an innocent & cute color usually associated with babies) might happen at anytime n anyone just compiled a few tips which might be helpful in career planning during these tough times.
a) Accept the fact and try to convince ourselves.
Though might seem simple this might be the most toughest part since human beings by default tend to always feel aloof from troubles and dangers. Though bitter accept the fact that it is the truth and try to adjust with the situation emotionally. React calm and composed with our existing employers they too are tiding over a tough phase .Even the HR managers are just messengers for the management. They are just executing the orders in the long term interest of the company with a bit insecure feelings about their own career. React professionally avoiding unpleasant exit meetings.
b)Network and announce
Let the world know that you are looking for a job. We never know from which latitude help might pour in.And in these days of Linkedin,Facebook,watsapp etc Letting know the world beyond barriers and borders is an easy task .Since any human would empathize with these situation at a much faster pace anyone who is informed would be trying all possible options to help you out.
c) Financial Planning
This is one of the key factors which should be handled responsibly. Professional financial advisers always suggest keeping 180 days /6months reserve plan. Ensure we keep as liquid assets the amount required to sustain, survive and also to meet the EMIS for the next 6 months throughout the career for this phase which we might have to face during or career. This not only helps in tiding over the phase without much stress but also avoids you to be under pressure and commit mistakes or hurry up in taking decisions from prospective employers.
d) Analyze and revisit your career path.
Though this should be regularly done throughout the career to ensure growth and have a successful career. Unless we really get a break in career we seldom take risk to sway away from the smooth, un risky path. Might be new avenues might have turned up matching our skills which might act as a catalyst in our growth if planned well. Analyse if the industry itself you were in is undergoing a drastic change and if required make necessary changes in the path.Just because an industry in your 20's was attractive in career growth,passion matched your preferences does not guarantee that it is secure even when you are late 30's.Just like the .com mania have created ripples in various industry requiring adaptation for survival in retail,tourism besides which even survival has become tough for them.
e) Think,Think and take time for decisions
Since being jobless is an emotional stress for both employee and their family mistakes do happen in accepting the first offer to pacify the emotional stress. Here is where the 180 day reserve plan will work in our favour. Your prospective employer cannot put you under pressure to accept an offer which you might not have even analysed in detail.
f) Keep improvising your work skill and the way you execute work
This is one of the most key factor which helps you doing your job and while losing it too.These days if an employee is just executing his/her duties then you are just reduced to an employee number,the key here is to be indispensable for the team. Being passionate, pro-active ,excellent soft skills are the key areas which the companies are looking for.
g) Accept the fact that No one is indispensable and strive to work in a way that the company feels If at all there is someone indispensable that should be you
This I would term as a Golden rule to keep yourself on fire, motivated, pro-active and enhancing our skills. In today’s world No One is indispensable to the company. It might not matter if you were the key person in branding a non- existent company to the market leader in the industry, your strategy might have helped the company to pull of with flying colors during the most toughest time, you might have sacrificed offers which might seem like a dream to your likes for the loyalty towards the company. The term company itself distances each individual from the virtual enterprise. Keep a watch on the industry ,observe the competitors, evolve and adapt according to the changing times .Create a brand for yourself whereby for the clients and service providers your name becomes familiar than the brand you represent .I have seen many stalwarts in various industry whereby the names of staff do matter much more than the brand they represent for credibility and trust. Such individuals usually tend to be retained even during the toughest time as the last ray of hope since they come up with experiences and strategy that will help them to reach the next boon stage.
The above note is compiled from a few extracts and my observations throughout the career.Is intended to motivate & inspire during tough times ;Life goes on incidents and experiences just keeps the show running.